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Eps last won the day on December 26 2015

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  1. Thank you for the fix Wildcard. v26.2 (server) v26.2 (client) - 11/3/2023 - Major version for servers and clients Restores ORP functionality (Defaulted to true on PVE) Fixed some replication issues with ladders Fixed some exploits Fixed some inconsistencies with turrets firing Increased personal tame limits for tribes on servers
  2. Yep, I suspect the actual issue some people are encountering is that setting the ports isn't working by the looks. Launch args and configs for ports don't apply, it will always try to use 7777 (+1 for each instance on a host). It does work on VMWare ESXi otherwise.
  3. Yep ORP is not working/implemented by the looks.
  4. Yep, it doesn't seem to honor ports in launch arguments or in GameUserSettings.ini. I have multiple physical hosts behind the same router and they like to step on each other by advertising as using port 7777 (and +1 for each additional instance on a single host). Haven't got a solution to this yet.
  5. My dinos are going to have so much sex
  6. You can on your own server - WildCard have expressed concern for abuse of an API in regards to: for reasons of websecurity and site performance, we can not handle the web notifications for unofficial servers. So we have exposed the system for custom use, if anyone wants to write a basic web service - To handle alarm web notifcations on a custom server, you have to start your server with "-webalarm" and have a valid AlarmPostCredentials.txt in your Saved/ folder. AlarmPostCredentials.txt is a text file that contains two lines of data. The first line is a web api key and the other is the url to use. e.g., /ShooterGame/Saved/AlarmPostCredentials.txt 01234abcedf01234abcedf https://mywebsite.com/index.php?myowncustom=thing&another=thing Note: You don't actually have to handle a valid key on webservice side if you don't want to but you will still have to have something inside this file. The server will make a HTTP POST with "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" data that includes key, steamid, title, and message. e.g., key=01234abcedf01234abcedf&steamid=0000000000001234&notetitle=Example%2BTitle&message=Example+Message
  7. Really loving the evolution events! We have been taming like crazy the last 2 weekends! it is awesome fun! Please continue this each weekend It's awesome having to only spend half the time taming as previously. (I originally thought it would be better every second weekend, but this can be painful if you can't play that weekend then the following weekend is just normal rates) Please make it a bit clearer exactly when it will start and stop. People constantly ask if it has started or if it has ended. Maybe an InGame server message and countdown to finishing or just an alert to say it is done. Keep the pink text in the start screen and maybe only display it when it is in effect. "Evolution Event is Currently Active! Ending at: 00:00 EST Monday". or something to that effect. It can be hard to tell when it has ended or if it will effect taming mid reduction to normal values. I assume it would, so an announcement or something to let you know in game would be awesome.
  8. I'm curious about key bindings for local split screen on PC. Does it require a controller?
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