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  1. Nice to hear its being looked after. Unfortunatly sad that it cant be reproduced in testings to find the sollution. I will write down the next days/weeks when, and after what actions the error occurs and send the rapport to support. maybee it helps to reproduce the isuee maybee not but cant harm
  2. There is. The mammoth often gets the berries but nu wood and tatch. Also in that case the tree Sony falling. When I get pdf the mammoth and chop the tree with the axe it dos gather and fall. Also multiple people in oh server have the dame issue with Anky farming in the vulcano. I can go to trees i bever chopped before with the mammoth moet of the time that Works. Problem is that tja area to find unbugged trees is getting realy big
  3. Looking forward to tame the beaver this evening. Only biggest question is: when will the gathering bug be fixed. A wood chopping beaver is Nice but just like the mammoth unusable if it cant chop trees cause off the bug.
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