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clumsynynja's Feedback

  1. SlyGuy68 left Negative feedback for a topic   

    Stealth Removal of Date for Rag
    Childish, immature, rude, bully wannabe. All words that could be used to describe this bafoon. If advice ignoring and avoiding this player.

    clumsynynja was Trading

  2. Jebcool left Positive feedback   

    He is rude. He post negative and mean post for the sole purpose of being a jerk. If you aren't going to post something helpful don't post anything at all

    clumsynynja was The Seller

  3. Unfussymonky left Negative feedback   

    Rude and childish

    clumsynynja was Trading

  4. TheSirDingo left Positive feedback   

    Honest buyer. Nothing else can be said.

    clumsynynja was Trading

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