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davetherave last won the day on December 17 2024

davetherave had the most liked content!

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  1. Since asa launched it has been a disaster what has happened?Why do we have youtubers failing to call wc out on their scummy tactics? Why are you releasing new broken half finished paid content before you give us the game we already paid for?Only way for this to stop is if you stop giving them money until they give us the game they promised us over a year ago
  2. I'd rather pay for an official map than skins and fantastic tames
  3. So in a few days you have managed to push forward the release by 5 months
  4. So basically we have paid for a game you still haven't gave us yet you still release more paid content ,no other company would get away with it
  5. I think you guys need to apologise for asa and put it in the bin,release new servers for ase especially if you still want a player base by the time ark 2 releases
  6. Well wildcard have messed up every Map so far extinction will be no different
  7. The issues with the game was never the cryopods the game is better without them ,the issues are getting ignored while they give in to the morons complaining about cryopods
  8. Every Dino should be free we've spent enough on this game,so what you are saying is they are doing us a favour by not charging us for a re skinned mecathon?
  9. Wildcard really need to cull their management team,every decision they make takes more players away from the game
  10. So the server I've been working on for months is getting deleted GG wildcard if you go ahead with this decision I will be requesting a refund for game and bobs tall tales
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