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  1. Here from the official side. On dedicated servers you can insert engrams and spawn dinos from the DLC without a purchase in the main game! So the download contains playable content you can use.
  2. All the new stuff is free for the main game. Only the map is not!!! All optimizations, items, monsters and bugfixes are included into the main game for free...
  3. Another reason that the sabertooth salmon dossier was released first could be that they need more easy ressources of fish meat when they introduce the new aquatic life cycle. Or they put more effort into the other dossiers and work out something more difficutl to give them a new special use and make them look cool just like they did with the titanosaurus. Because more people wanted a Basilo for example, they probably just put more time into development so the majority is satisfied. Edit: Probably they will work out another use for the sabertooth salmon. Since the Coel will be available in different sizes, the same thing could happen to the sabertooth salmon so that the big ones could reach about 9 feet and are tameable and ridable then.
  4. If the line drawn above the humans is about 2m high, the titanosaurus is about 20m high. The carnivore next to it about 17m high, that is higher than the giganotosaurus' length in total. It has to be another new theropod. Or really a giganotosaurus alpha. The bronto is about 12m high. the Giganotosaurus in its normal stand is about 9m high. Just size comparisons.
  5. In history a group of 4 giganotosaurus could not harm a titanosaurus like the argentinosaurus because the mouth was to small to bite the legs. They could only scratch the legs... Would be nice to have a damage system that includes size matters. a group of compys killing a rex because he cannot aim correctly... What if the compys just cannot do any damage to large dinos. By the way is this image from ark gamepedia canon? If it is, the carnivore on the dossier is not the giganotosaurus.
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