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About incinderberries

  • Birthday May 10

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  1. Wow. Just... Wow. FINALLY get into a server for Rag, and what do I immediately see? FOUNDATIONS EVERYWHERE. And OF COURSE the server I finally get into already has a massive swath of land claimed up by one of the most cancerous tribes I've ever seen, blocking off pathways with gates and planting their thatch foundations all over spawn points so they can have a massive bluescreen-inducing beachfront eyesore. And I'm totally willing to be they've already done this on all the other Rag servers, too. THIS IS RIDICULOUS. EDIT: Server Try #2: YUP. THEY'RE HERE, TOO.
  2. Well. Nice job, WildCard. Looking through the menus of ARK to see what sessions I'm STILL UNABLE TO JOIN AFTER TWO DAYS, and my system crashes. The entire system. Fabulous. A+ work, there.
  3. As far as I've been able to understand, you can trade between Legacy servers, but not move things from Legacy servers to the new servers. Also, the only reason the Legacy servers will be deleted is if the population drops on them for too long. Otherwise, they're staying up. But, in my opinion, this whole "omg they're gonna wipe legacy servers now the world is ending" stuff that's been going around is people overreacting way too early over fears and rumors. The only thing that we can do is wait for all the current mess to start getting sorted through before people start losing their minds and freaking out for no reason at all. We know that WC takes their sweet time in solving problems. So just wait a week or two before panicking about things that might not even happen.
  4. PS4 Rag servers not working. New servers still nearly at double over player limit (I thought we were supposed to get some more added to the list? I don't see any more than yesterday.) And the Legacy servers aren't even allowing anyone in. The screen just sits there saying "Waiting To Join" and nothing happens for several minutes until finally popping up an error box saying the server is unjoinable. Nice job, WC. *golf clap*
  5. Ignore them. They're raptoring morons. I mean, look at their poor sentence structure and poop grammar and nonsensical rambling. They're obviously still at primary school reading levels. They have zero knowledge about anything but think they know everything. It's just 4 idiots sharing a single account. I guarantee that they're all sharing the same copy (or maybe they splurged and bought 2 copies) of the game and playing on the same screen, too.
  6. They posted it all over their Twitters and the site here and even had a message in the game about it. Granted they only gave a few days notice, but still. We were warned.
  7. Alright, that's a possibility. But perhaps you should play on a new server instead? At least they'll have customer support so if someone blocks a character spawn point or an obelisk then you can report them. I mean, the chances that your ticket is answered is still slim, but at least it's a semi-possibility on a new server as opposed to a Legacy, where they can freely get away with it.
  8. Not if they're trying to transfer from a Legacy server. You can't move anything off Legacy servers.
  9. Okay, I'm just trying to figure out why the hell anyone would honestly want Legacy Ragnarok servers. It's a brand new map that's bound to have a ton of bugs and need a ton of fixes, and Legacy servers won't be getting any customer service whatsoever. So why the hell would anyone want to play a buggy map that won't have any way to report bugs on, even if they don't get looked at anyway?
  10. The option should be on the bottom left of the menu.
  11. All old servers (that weren't deleted) are now on the Legacy server list. Rag will be full until they release more servers and the novelty has worn off a little. Your best bet is to play in Single Player for a bit to get a game plan together for when you get to go online.
  12. In the filter options. Should be at the bottom left of the screen.
  13. Good luck, dude. Really. I hope you get a refund. Only the devs never come here. You're only slightly more likely to get a response through Twitter. Slightly, but still highly unlikely. You should start by going to whoever you bought the game from and see where it goes from there.
  14. They don't hurry. And the servers are so full because there's like 10 of them.
  15. Nope, no support whatsoever for Legacy servers. Like we really had much to begin with. That's why all the new servers are clogged with over twice the limit of players on them.
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