I think I understand the intent with the cross ark transfers with all items and dinos, as a way to keep the end game interesting for high level players and alpha tribes. But I think this as a solution dramatically changes the character of the game, as there is no sense of community to limit the behavior of high level tribes intent on griefing and wiping out all lower level beginner players and tribes. On a given server a sense of community develops that either moderates the alphas aggression towards people trying to get started on the game, or people quickly learn to go to another server and have a shot at building up to be a contender. When you can simply go from server to server wiping out newbs and young tribes without any community backlash (it aint your home server so there are no repercussions in your community), it makes it inevitable that nothing will moderate the behavior of the massive collectives that seem to really enjoy destroying server after server. When someone loses weeks of their efforts to a random high level mob that appears and disappears it removes all motivation to try building your own tribe.
I think you will see retention of the more aggressive high level tribes and players and a complete drop off of new people coming and playing what is very much a grinding game. I think you will drive off those at a mid-level now unable to progress, let alone the complete beginners. It takes a lot of hours of grinding and building to get to the point where you have a chance of holding your own with this new paradigm of constant wipes and destruction. Yes, this new character and flavor of the game play will appeal to some, but I think you will find it does not appeal to the majority of your player base that enjoys the unique balance of PVE and PVP that this game provides (or used to) on the PVP servers.
I would suggest having two tiers of PVP servers, one with cross ark transfer all over the place as you have now, and another tier that does not allow transfers or keeps it to small clusters comprised of one server of each map.
One thing that WC might do to understand the long term implications to their player base would be polling the active players on some sample servers to find out how many want this locked down and how many want the free for all.