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  1. Crouch and then uncrouch, that is the way i do it.
  2. It is because of the fact that consoles and most computers can't handle the strain of having the whole map loaded, why else do you experience lag going into new areas
  3. I have a great idea for ARK add an amber mosquito jurassic park idea for TEK tier, so you find a rare amber mosquito from spa taps, and you analyze it in the TEK replicator, and depending on the dino blood in this specific mosquito, also randomised, you can either use some Element and raw meat to "Replicate" a different and unique dino, either not on that map, or customised, such as a Rex with high health, and lower other stats, or you can make a skin for certain dines, such as instead of looking at a T-Dominium all the time, you can look at T-Rex or others of the Tyrannosaurus family. The former idea is the most useful though, because to add that many new dino skins or dinos technically is too much work, so I definitely think that since it is the TEK tier, it would be a good addition since, now as it is the metal tier irl we have almost been able to successfully clone mammoths and sabertooths as it is. Please up vote or heart if you think this is a good idea
  4. more than that they get a bionic Giga and Manticore armor, we only get a Bionic Rex That is why I said more
  5. Jacob946

    PS4 Tek Giga

    Give Xbox more exclusives
  6. You better give Xbox more stuff that is exclusive as well PLEASE
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