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  1. If you cryo your bee to go home, you can't release it because the class is disallowed. This also applies to the wyvern pets, but I figured it was bc it was just I smol wyvern and a mod so I just took it off. But yeah, the queen bee counts too. I just figured we would have put the bee through the ringer at this point. No Joe, this should not be in the bug reports, this is working as intended. The map doesn't allow flyers, and no one had the foresight to exclude the bee from that class. It's the most op creature on the map impo too. I don't pvp but I've always wondered why not just put a ton of bees on wondering to protect the base? Just a self replicating, hyper aggressive, army that makes it nearly impossible to flee bc of snare. Do they not poop bees at the enemy after they are tamed? If not it's a shame, I might would actually watch someone attack a tribe with bees. Just roll up like candy man and casually take ur stuff bc you can't chase him lol.
  2. Lmao, I guess I didn't catch all of my cursing and got censored, but it's funny bc poop is actually supper useful and well preserved poop (which has a scientific name but it's pre coffee time for me) can be considered a significant find. I actually 3D scanned quite a bit of samples for a virtual curation site back in college that I believe is open for public use if you would like your own 3D printed (I think it was) giant sloth poop.
  3. I know I'm late to this discussion, but I feel like maybe I'm somewhat of an anomaly among console players at my age range (read as, I played pong in the 90s) I used to travel for work before i got sick, so consoles and hand-held have been my bread and butter. But I uh *cough* altered a few of my devices. And I bought, played, and loved subnautica in its most broken state, when it was a $20 work in progress on xbox. So I'm no stranger to mods, modded devices, and what the poop did I do moments. I bought forgler. We were considering several maps, and I miss communicated the completeness of the map. Tbf I got map descriptions mixed up. At the time we wanted to support, sad to hear (and not just from this post) that's not the case. We have also tried several of the free mods, for my husband and I the mods were par for the course. For our other friends that primarily play standard console stuff, it has been very jarring. Many of them complained constantly, blamed mods for problems not even remotely associated with the mod, anything to get the mods removed. It got so bad we had to buy a separate server, leaving only the basic qol mods on the one with our friends. They still refuse to use most of them. Things like teleporters, cryo mods, tranqs (if I'm using your tranq mod, I love you lol) basically the only thing that gets used is the egg incubators bc noone could deny how much time it saves, we made a whole army b4 they had even a single thyla finished. The unfinished nature of the only paid for mod that they bought, broke them completely. It was pretty, but large areas were not finished, many creatures were spawning in strange places in clumps that couldn't separate, the water areas were baren, bosses and artifact weren't all in yet, etc. We logged on layer once to see if at least the oceans had creatures and it was just over run with megs. Everyone sorta surmised that due to complaints the creator just dumped a bunch of meg spawns. This is not something a console player expects, or frankly wants. They use a console BECAUSE they don't want to deal with that sort of thing. If WC or SG got advise from anyone, a single person, about releasing unfinished mods on console the resounding answer would have been "No!" So either they didn't bother to ask/find out, or they simply don't care. Scape goating: My friends will never trust the mods now, and we can't blame them. I do blame WC and SG, and if I was in the mod community, I would be so upset at them. Many of the problems they cause, the mods are being blamed for. The mod community is a scape goat. Your game crashed? Mods. Isn't running well? Mods. Any probablem at all, and playing vanilla? Mods. It's ridiculous. One of our players blamed not being able to find a plethora of doedys for days on the Bombardier beetle, that had been on the server for like 5 hours. Discord: I don't know a single person who plays on console, including myself, who wants to sub to dozens or more discords just to find out how a mod works/get updated info. A lot of developers release the mod, then never update the original blurp. I downloaded half a dozen mods that were not being kept up with/had been abandoned with no mention of this in the description. It took reading discord reviews to find out. Reviews on xbox are dumb as it requires you to leave the page and if you leave the page it stops and corrupts anything currently downloading or updating. Lastly, if your mod is large, like maps, it takes a while to download. Many of these consoles are people's entertainment systems. It's their TV, Netflix, YouTube, etc. Chaining this down for hours sometimes (yes hours) is not something anyone should expect to go over well for a majority of the population of users. These are more casual gamers for the most part. My next upgrade will be a PC. (Obligatory *it is time*) that's not most console players. At this point you can essentially count any console player not actively planning to transition to PC as non existent for future estimates. Just in case, I'm not speaking out of my bum. I have an anthropology degree. I was an archaeologist, I literally have a degree in studying humans and how they interact with the poop around them.
  4. My game looks less like a rave now, but crashing has increased, and i just got perma crashed for the first time. Dashboarded everytime i tried to load the game on my nonded. This is a beta test at best at this point, and they tricked us all into essentially paying them to test their product (game pass is not free, game pass games are not free, they are paid for via a subscription). Im pulling all monitary funding i can control. Not buying more mods bc they may not work despite saying they should (mod at your own risk for consoles is a whole other discussion). Giving the one person on our server who might care time to take anything he wants or take over payments. I dont know if he will tho, seeing as how all his high level dinos he spent countless hours breeding for months just got wiped from existence. No more mods, dlcs, or servers. Im calling it. Who would invest in this the way it is? This is a death rattle, not a rally cry. I had to use a console command to load the base game textures, with no mods, vanilla, didnt even change the character, just hit go as 'human', and waited like 10 minutes. The textures never fully loaded.
  5. Aberration could not handle one day of game play on the xobx x. It has booted me and the game crashes when I try to log back into AB. I will try to post yet another report, but wanted to leave this hear in case anyone is wondering if it's playable yet. I only even had 11 total dinos tamed. Only 2 not specifically for egg/kibble purpose, and only a tiny bit built with like 98% base game structures ( 7 Klinger rustic crop plots). Aberration should not be considered "released" if a majority of the consumers cannot access the product.
  6. I would love to be able to just post a bug report. But for some reason I can't figure out how to start a topic, as most of the options beyond changing pages is grayed out. Perhaps that is also a bug. Or maybe it doesn't work on phones idk (if your site doesn't work on a smart phone in 2024 why are we trusting you to make a quality video game maybe i do enjoy being gaslit who knows) 90%of this game is a bug. Fortitude does nothing for anything, blue rocks are just rocks and give less metal than a river rock, I do have the ability to use pillars as foundations again, so bonus for next base location ig since my foundations for my first one are long since placed now. Lighting is beyond bad in ab, and I've been able to adjust and fix that until ab. Crashes daily, I would say frequently but I don't know bc to be safe I wait a few seconds and log out and back in anytime I do anything important or even vaguely time consuming as a precaution. Tons and tons of creatures are spawning in and getting stuck in large rocks. I got 37 nameless venom fighting a rock in the blue zone today. Useful, sure. Easy, you bet. But I did it because the screen was getting supper jumpy and laggy, and I figured out why I had only seen like 10 nameless in 20 minutes without a shoulder pet bc the rock was LOUD lol. Poop interval timer is backwards, increase to decrease poop, decrease to increase poop. <the tool tip says the opposite> you also have typos in the tool tips, but the interweb says kids can't read anymore anyways so whatever. I have a funny clip of an entire base of dinos rapid pooping, like 3000 pps base average lol. Having touched no settings at all my cuddle timer went from about 20 min to 3 hours. But single player mating/imprinting/etc. Is so broken it seems like the community gave up on figuring out the settings and just insta imprint via console command. Some of the same metal nodes that wouldn't respawn on ase are also now not respawning on asa?! How did you manage to transfer a bug to a new engine? That's talent, the wrong talent, but talent. On our nitrado server it seems all the heavily mutated dinos, above level 500, that had points put into them, have ceased to exist. We rolled back the server to before ab launched and they didn't come back. We have some parent couples in cryo but are scared to release them. Performance is garbage, lots of lag, dinos not actually at where they die, piles of dinos in everlasting wars in the swamp. Sometimes having to retrieve building items from the midmap sky (not new). And I'm sure I'm forgetting some as I am not as social as my husband and mostly play around in single player. Personally I wish I didn't have to use the loadallusedtextured console command every time I got on just to see the map. Even the mod adds in the pause screen are blurred like it's censored. I did not know BTT signs/posters/picture had real words and pictures on them until some lovely reddit member solved this issue. It effects everything. Dinos, land features, cosmetics, maps. I Uninstalled the game and reinstalled it and didn't add any mods, it was still happening. I would honestly put money on this being the reason so many reviews state that everything looks like an untextured potato. I bought forglar, it effects the whole map, I was in awe of how pretty it really was when I loaded the textures. Xbox x, wired connection, fiber, live in a well developed area. Yes mods, server is pvp but played as pve like 98% of the time. (Play stupid games win stupid prizes style). As an aside my husband is an IT, and currently making mods on a different game, so we aren't exactly novice (ok I kinda am, but trust I asked him b4 coming here) Also, thank you for breedable karkinos and basilisk. I am the proud owner of two baby karkinos and cannot wait for a baby basilisk.
  7. Among a slew of typical complaints that are all very valid, especially the current pay to win aspect of the game, this product is barely functional. I own BTT, I purchased mods, I want Ark to succeed, but I'm only going to give an addict so much money for rehab when they walk 5 feet away and go on a bender instead every single time. Fortitude is completely broken. After many tests on my single player, jumping off of things, poisoning myself, and visiting various different Temps while checking the base level changes and changes with basic cloth armor: nothing, no difference in any regard to any mitigation between 2 and 120. The only thing that made a difference was the armor. (Including hugging scorpions) All of everyone's high level tames on our unofficial nitrado server have ceased to exist. Maxed out tames with weeks of breeding and mutations just gone. We were not able to retrieve them, they don't even show in the log and we can't find any info on what happened from you guys. We suspect you implemented a level cap of some sort and just didn't properly (or at all) warn your customers that you would be reposessing these assets. Time is money, and you have stolen time from a lot of people, and by doing so impo have stolen those individuals money. Since ab launched our center server runs like cold garbage. Lag is almost unbearable, and I don't want to hear any "ermergerd settings" boot lickers. Other games have been doing all the thing ark has for like a decade now and they can manage. Eso is arguably larger all the time, and have a massive amount of ability effects, lighting, etc. And they don't perform this poorly without a huge acknowledgement of short comings. I have to put a console command in to politely ask ark to load all the textures every time I load in to anything I play. Not just mods, base game and BTT items, sometimes even the trees, rocks, maps don't even load textures. I'm on an X, I did the things to supposedly fix performance and other than making the product look terrible nothing makes a real difference. Aberration is eye watering levels of bright in your "improved lighting" and I can't reduce my brightness any lower. I'm just weaving around light patches like they are physical obstacles. (Using night mode on xbox helps, but again why?would?anyone?need?to?do?this?) As someone with access to BTT that gene gun should not exist. I cannot even imagine what official server peeps are going through. I have to interact with 4 trusted individuals and that's basically the only way something like this would be okay impo. Or solo. It should be a free mod made by a fan who wanted to have the ability to tinker. This is not passive, the dinos have a hidden Stat that will have an effect on that dino that some people can't see unless they pay $30 for it. This cannot be overcome with skill, hours, or any conventional means. It is not a creature that can be blocked via mods (yet...hopefully). It is pay to win through and through, to its core. (I will read any comment alleging that "it sucks to be poor haha" as "I have no skills and thus must pay for all of my achievements like a nepo baby"). Again, I love ark, I want this game to succeed, I want to play ark 2. If the performance of this game is not acknowledged by years end with a comprehensive plan and road map to fix the problems and clear client/business communications, I will be treating this like any other business that woefully under performs and wastes my investments in this economy. Tldr: I'm not giving ark any more money until they stop spending it like Tony Montana, and start investing it into fixing this game.
  8. As aberration was unplayable for me on xbox b4 ASA, I was not aware that my peak of human kind survivor forgot how to build a tree platform on the way over. Can I at least have the ability to put a sap tap in a reasonably reachable location since current, not peak of human existence, humans do that? I mean if your going to take away the ability to use pillars as foundations and force me to make everything tacky looking to please the official server people, at least let me put a platform on a tree instead of surrounding trees with larger foundations. Or, hear me out, put the stupid tap in a normal spot like a normal person would.
  9. Hey I'm on the series X and I'm not having this problem, but my husband did. Until he changed his TV settings. Many of the new TVs have very different visual settings for movies etc. And games. And to lessen user error most come preset to start you with the movie and television setting bc thats what most people want. In movies people like black to be black-er, red to be red-er, and such (I'm not an expert just a generalization based on my very limited knowledge). Even currently his settings are hard for me to look at, but he is used to it. Even the way things move looks weird to me on his TV.
  10. Is there a way to disable the glowing particles/orbs of the shoulder pets and light bugs? It's all I can see when I have one of the luminescent shoulder pets on. When the pet is charging it is still absorbing the particles. It's like trying to walk around with 25 people circling you with green laser pointers aimed directly at you. On an X if that matters. Edit: figured out it's not MY pet. It's when you get in any wild luminescent shoulder pets aoe that it happens. Maybe expanding the aoe once tamed lessens the density? It's also trashing the frames, but it's asa on console so i expect trash frames at this point. I tied to add a photo but the single unedited pic was too large. There must be 1000s of these particles when you overlap wilds.
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