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Early Birds
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ObiWanJabroni's Achievements


Naked (1/5)



  1. LFT ASA PC 1x official started ASA 2 weeks ago lv 97 so far. no map preference. experienced tamer, builder, breeder, grinder. most playtime on island, center, and gene maps. moved from ASE on console to ASA on pc 154hrs logged so far for ASA. don't care if its someone starting a tribe or an already established one. own all dlc's. discord is .obiwanjabroni - high availability.
  2. LFT ASA PC 1x official started ASA 2 weeks ago lv 97 so far. no map preference. experienced tamer, builder, breeder, grinder. most playtime on island, center, and gene maps. moved from ASE on console to ASA on pc 154hrs logged so far for ASA. don't care if its someone starting a tribe or an already established one. own all dlc's. discord is {.obiwanjabroni} high availability.
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