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Everything posted by Vertebreaker

  1. Does anybody know exactly how this new hold timer before you can transfer stuff in an obelisk works? I wasn't sure of exactly of its mechanics.
  2. Yeah me too, I'll have to check back in an hour. Hopefully they'll be up and everything will still be intact. But we will have some platform saddles structures to breakdown because we will be way over the tame cap.
  3. When it is all said and done. I really can't complain. I pretty much knew this was going to happen but I did think the game would be up and running by around 1pm. This type of stuff is WC's normal operating procedure and we should get used to it. It's like dealing with a bunch of teenagers that continually slack, don't prepare ahead of time for stuff even though their parents told them to, but eventually get it done and it works out. Overall it has been the best $45 I've spent in gaming for the amount of time, enjoyment and heartache I've gotten out of this game.
  4. I bet they are just taking their time rolling out the servers to guarantee the game will run smoother than say, Halo 5 and will be even more stable. And to make sure all of our wildest dreams come true.
  6. I can't wait until the Xbox servers come online to play this full retail release version. There won't be anymore disconnects, disappearing dinos or server crashes. And the game will run at a silky smooth 60FPS with zero lag and all of our wildest dreams will come true.
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