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Everything posted by ciabattaroll

  1. No one is complaining about the chalico being the horse purely because it is the horse, or at the very least a horse given that they are from the same order. People had hoped for a cow (which is an even toed ungulate) to be added into the game and you interjected with the erroneous "judging a book by it's cover" statement of :
  2. And yet I'm not the one saying "this things face makes it look like a cow so it can't be related to horses!".
  3. It takes more than a face to affect taxonomy. If the world worked like you thought then pugs and dobermen wouldn't both be dogs.
  4. They did not start this project, Snail Games did.
  5. Now if only we can attach a standard on their saddles while we ride around in full flak armor.
  6. And the dodos, and coelecanths, and the bats, sabertooth tigers, mammoths, megalodons, etc. Remember, primeval's definition doesn't say that they literally have to be prehistoric, just that they bear a resemblance. Taking a modern animal and enlarging it seems to achieve that.
  7. I recommend you re-read the article, specially the part where they say they're just consultants for this while a different studio is the one working on the game. It's not all that different from something like say Niantic having somebody like Hal Laboratory to lean on when they need info about pokemon.
  8. Wildcard has stated this several times in previous digests on steam, and has been the industry standard for Early Access games.
  9. That sounds like bad parenting imo. Giving the older brother a toy too just because it's their younger brother's birthday? Why? Doesn't that devalue the younger brother, basically telling him that his/her having been born is inconsequential by virtue of all of his siblings being given the same treatment despite it not being their birthday? As for my replies, I fail to see how emotion conveys through text, but if there were one I would be expressing, it would have to be blunt honesty. I get it, no one likes it when the truth hurts, but you can't fight misinformation by tiptoeing around it. If you perceive it as anger, that's on you.
  10. It's no one's fault but is it really so foreign a concept for you that perhaps it's a display of thanks for their ps4 contingent for having to be patient and wait for so long to play the game you've had available to you for a year? I mean, complaining and demanding for more items just because you've played the game longer is akin to an entitled child complaining that his younger brother is getting toys for their birthday. No. You are a consumer, not a shareholder. As a consumer you have the right to the product you purchased, not the capacity to dictate the company's direction. Do you get up in arms that you can't order french fries at Domino's even though you buy their pizzas?
  11. Item exclusivity has been a thing for a long while now. I don't recall much uproar from Xbox players complaining about not being able to get The Stomping Land rex saddle skin, and PC players have long since stopped complaining about their inability to get the Bionic Rex skin. It's only now with the announcement of the PS4's exclusive items that people are going back into their "me, me me!" mentality.
  12. Yeah, how dare the playstation get exclusive skins like the bionic giga that the pc players can get if they slog through SOTF, or the manticore costue set, 3 parts of which are available on all platforms via defeating the manticore! That's all totally super exclusive and rude to other consoles like the Xbox who only gets the bionic Rex skin that isn't even obtainable on any other platform! Let's riot!
  13. To my recollection this is as intended so that players can have the means of obtaining organic polymer for things like minor repairs without overshadowing hunting down kairuku.
  14. Let's address some issues here. 1) Race/nationality doesn't factor in. The whole kerfuffle people had about using pillars to block resources flat out points that everyone hates anyone building on resource spots regardless of race, and that people can and will be jerks about it regardless of their nationalities. So please, enough with these condemnations of Chinese people as though anyone from any other nationality is wholly innocent. 2) Cries about servers being cleansed are already happening and that's without tek tier in the game. Plus the cross-ark feature is, as has been stated by the developers several times, an experimental feature that is every bit new ground for them as it is for us. They can and will refine it as time goes on. 3) It's not about majorities or minorities. The poster expressed consternation about the eventual presence of power armor and weaponry on dinosaurs, I pointed out that this has always been on the roadmap. Plain and simple. And as far as "bare fists to crysis suits" goes, you're forgetting stone weapons clubs, bows, spears, metal weapons, crossbows, and all the different firearms in between. In my opinion that's quite the development from "bare fists to crysis suits".
  15. Considering that wishbones go away when the event ends, that's a big no.
  16. That's false though. Before the update what happens in ScE can be brought over to the Island or Center, but the Center or Island can't take things to ScE.
  17. This has always been planned for a game wholly inspired by dino riders and artwork of dinosaurs with laser cannons and rocket launchers mounted on them. If you dislike it, primitive servers are always an option.
  18. The power suit has been teased ages ago, and a forum member making use of the dev kit pointed out how the rex laser (erroneously thought of at the time as a giga laser) was in it. On top of what's been mentioned in previous digests, people have had inklings on what Tek Tier entailed. Hell, one of the digest questions answered was even addressing the jump pack capabilities of tek armor, namely how it would handle.
  19. If you don't want it, that's fine, but that's on you. The fact is that this has been something planned for ARK for ages. That you choose to ignore that it's been planned and has always been intended to be part of ARK is, like I said, on you.
  20. Nah, they specifically cited that particular image. I would have said it was a dino riders image but having seen the cartoon in my childhood, none of the dinos in the image looked like how they were set up in DR.
  21. It really isn't based "thousands of years ago". It's just that humans and a bunch of creatures from different points in time were all thrown together on the ARK. Moreover, the technological stuff comes all the way from the inspiration for ARK. In one of the interviews, which I forget if it was from a panel at a convention or during their 24 hour charity stream, they made it clear that the inspiration for ARK came from this image that an algorithm stated to be the coolest image on the internet, or something along those lines. Said image was a battle among dinosaurs that were sporting high tech armor and shooting lasers, rockets, et al, at each other.
  22. Explorer notes can be found across both the Island and on Scorched Earth. Enhance your calm, John Spartan.
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