The problem is, it will impact gameplay negativly for a lot of people with a low snapped structure limit. It will be byby for most crab traps including the expensive catapult wich usually requires a few snapped pillars and a foundation.
It will despawn all 'pillar walls' used to build enclosures that do not despawn the resource inside and just about all base builds that do the same. All small structures like fishing areas will be affected .
huts are going to be built on every resource on the map negativly effecting play on entire servers - on every server, both deliberatly and to just grief and deny resource.
none of this new change also adresses the real problem , in that most servers pillared in this way are UNPLAYABLE DUE TO DINO CAP anyhow, how about fixing this before despawning a few structures on servers that are almost unplayable anyway?
and like i said before, all this change will do is make people spam 1x1 boxes, gates or 2-3 high pillars covered in ladders regardless of how many structures you limit a 'small building' to. it will just cover the servers in laggy structures rather than a few pillars while ruining gameplay mostly for smaller tribes.
either way, the problem of these pillared servers and the dino overcap problem affecting noobs is always a white elephant that is never adressed, the ammount of noobs who's first experience of this game is a capped , unplayable server is outrageous.