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  • Birthday 07/29/1986

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  1. 5200 down over 5 hrs now. I was looking forward to making some more progress as I am really enjoying ASA
  2. today so far our server EU663 has crashed over 30 times LITERALLY. Ping is ALWAYS below 100 but yet just after almost every server save the server crashes and theres under 40 players online minimal big bases on the map not loads of tames in each base not loads of bbys out (we cant raise bbys cause every time server rolls bk the egg tiners obv roll bk with it). my actual time that has passed (registered as passing by the server between rollbacks) is maybe 4hrs instead of 12 like it should have been. And despite loads of people on the server placing reports and tweeting devs for over 36hrs now still not a peep from anyone at WC. Happy easter to you too guys
  3. Since the event started EU GEN 663 PC has been crshing constantly (its a player intentionally doing it to dupe eggs from new creatures not a server issue) I have reported, tweeted every dev I can think of and no response or actions have been taken so we are all stuck in a groundhog day situation with constant rollbacks and not able to breed or tame anything due to this issue. I love this game and me and my wife have been having fun on Genesis until now, I am losing respect for WC as the complete lack of any form of response is disrespectful and shows that the customer care is non existant atm. We are all pretty much trapped indoors atm and having to miss out on the easter event is really getting us down our Magmasaurs were finally grown just before the event started but we cant even use them and have fun with them cause every 5-20 mins server crashes and rolls bk to the most recent save point so you are losing everything you did in that time and you start back off at the same point you were when you logged in the first time. thanks @WildCard for looking after your players that are struggling. @Cedric any chance you can kick someone up the butt for us and get the problem sorted please please please.
  4. Any chance of some info on Genesis as in current progress, if its on target and also we were told there would be some 'cool' stuff possibly implemented into our HLNA talking light before release is that still gonne be a thing @Cedric
  5. I would really lke to see a cluster of maps with one PVE and one PVP of each map in the cluster so people can raise and farm etc on the pve then just all transfer over to the pvps for some open world warfare. Maybe have the PVP ones with a very tiny build limit and no alliances
  6. I gotta say all these complaints about stuff from people is just childish. If you dont like the game anymore or the way wildcard operate go play something else and complain in the same way about that as I'm sure you will. Ok WC do make mistakes sometimes but they are only human and all the negativity from a % of the community doesn't help the situation at all if anything you are probably putting them off doing new content and working harder on getting popular mods integrated. How about leaving constructive criticism or pointing out any mistakes they make in a mature way, not screaming about it like petulant children. The toxic members are what puts the game down not the devs.
  7. I get what your saying but my point is that PVE is supposed to be more community working together in my eyes and many share this same ideal so we all work together to try to improve quality of life for everyone on the servers we play. I have played ab since day 1 on 2 different servers and I can quite easily take batteries around with me etc etc , I left the first one due to loads [][][][] tribes purposely crashing server and causing extreme lag to the point where 90% of the time drakes would only belly flop and never glide. On both servers I have played the more friendly settled players including myself would go round to all the charge stations and place batteries in there so that whenever any of us went round doing our ele crafting we would just take the gems, ore and gas balls put it in click craft and only have to wait for the element to craft. The only issue with this is noobs taking them probably not even knowing what they do and people who are just pulling them with the intent to annoy others. My comment is just a suggestion to the Devs, I know they mentioned recently they were looking at ways to make Aberration QOL changes and removing the need for batteries or making 8 fixed batteries to craft element is a simple one that makes a big difference to everybody's game play because it would save a tonne of time and possibly help to encourage more people to play AB. It wasn't a complaint just a simple suggestion, I didnt intend to spark a debate nor be told to do it in ways I already know are possible. I'm pretty sure anybody that plays Ab a lot on PVE would agree its a good idea.
  8. Yeah I know what you are saying but my thought was perhaps at least on pve servers we could eliminate the need for batteries to make element or make the stations have 8 'fixed' batteries. I do actually live in the deep blue area and have even placed batteries deep in red zone stations. some of the easier areas can be attributed to noobs not realising the way the rest of us play but most of it is just down to trolls that thrive on annoying other players.
  9. They arent left there as personal property, they are left there as a communal effort by many players to have precharged batteries in the stations for faster element making. This is a problem on many Ab servers and I bet if you asked on discord alot of people would agree.
  10. Guys can we please do something on PVE Aberration about people stealing batteries form the charge stations. We cant box them in and people keep taking batteries out so its a lose lose for those of us that try to do things as a server community to make quality of life easier. Perhaps alter the stations on PVE so that they are preloaded with non removable batteries for making element? I love ab its my favourite map and it really spoils it having to constantly replace the batteries.
  11. So I have played for like a month and Im on a beginner server (stuck and level 44) but set up a computer to try to get my wife on as well so we could play together, but she is more interested in the talking part of the game. So I saw your tribe and thought it would be good to join. I can fly over and move to a server but what server are you on?

    1. Zim


      contact me on discord.  Dorlok#8488

  12. They really need to look at a better way of allowing people to access the trading forums :(


  13. Reducing auto turrets won't help pve server issues, any fixes in the works for us PVE'ers? I've had to resort to playing private cause most weekends and peak times during the week EU-CENTER 200 is hitting 255 ping and we can't even open doors and dino AI gets super buggy Please look into PVE server performance issues to help us out, thanks.
  14. This is why I get fed up poor communication and 0 transparency. They promise one thing then do something completely different without much in the way of any apology. All of us that spent sooo many hours during early access got semi-shafted for release and have to start again from scratch to play on the proper server network so we wanna get it going asap, it takes along time to get over 100 again as it is without sitting here twiddling our thumbs for hours. COME ON GUYS YOU TAKE OUR MONEY QUITE HAPPILY WHATS WRONG WITH SHOWING US SOME RESPECT AND DECENCY IN RETURN AND EXPLAINING WHY YOU ONCE AGAIN GOT YOUR TIMING MILES OUT....... Maybe we should all go play Dark And Light its has alot of bugs still but the devs there are super quick at letting the players know the score.
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