I get what your saying but my point is that PVE is supposed to be more community working together in my eyes and many share this same ideal so we all work together to try to improve quality of life for everyone on the servers we play. I have played ab since day 1 on 2 different servers and I can quite easily take batteries around with me etc etc , I left the first one due to loads [][][][] tribes purposely crashing server and causing extreme lag to the point where 90% of the time drakes would only belly flop and never glide. On both servers I have played the more friendly settled players including myself would go round to all the charge stations and place batteries in there so that whenever any of us went round doing our ele crafting we would just take the gems, ore and gas balls put it in click craft and only have to wait for the element to craft. The only issue with this is noobs taking them probably not even knowing what they do and people who are just pulling them with the intent to annoy others.
My comment is just a suggestion to the Devs, I know they mentioned recently they were looking at ways to make Aberration QOL changes and removing the need for batteries or making 8 fixed batteries to craft element is a simple one that makes a big difference to everybody's game play because it would save a tonne of time and possibly help to encourage more people to play AB.
It wasn't a complaint just a simple suggestion, I didnt intend to spark a debate nor be told to do it in ways I already know are possible. I'm pretty sure anybody that plays Ab a lot on PVE would agree its a good idea.