@Jatheish @Jen @TheRightHand
I'm on a dead island legacy server; no other tribes and only about 80 tames, but a titano attacking a turret wall of maybe 150 turrets d/c'd the sever and there was only 5 people on. Our base has maybe 300 turrets total on herb island. No plant x either. You should really look into what is causing your server performance issues as I am proof that it doesn't take thousands of turrets, hundreds of tames and dozens of people for your servers to fail. It was an absolute bare minimum load and your code failed. You have made well over 200 million dollars with this game yet your servers can't even do the minimum without failure. You can take this however you want but please don't ignore the facts.
While I'm here you need more mods for your severs, there is tons of footage of tribes being under mapped and nothing gets done. There are caps of private messenger apps with people using the same handle as their GT's threatening to undermap a tribe then it happens. I sent in clips of a tribe threatening to ddos our server, having them count down to the dos and it happening and nothing was ever done. If there are no consequences for peoples actions then you can expect to lose more and more players due to unpunished cheating.