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Hemplethwaite last won the day on February 18 2021

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  1. Much better community crunch, information about what you are doing to tackle issues to help the players base is much more valuable than some of the content of recent crunches The official network still needs a pretty big overhaul though. EU-PVE-Official-TheIsland78 Uptime 7 Days: 74%. If you had a pizza delivered and 25% was missing I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be happy Hopefully you'll work on this now as I'd love to read that you'd sorted this in a crunch in the near future
  2. I think we can gauge by the most frequent topic in this thread and the 316 page server instability thread that Wildcard have a significant amount of detractors. I know someone posted that player numbers grew recently, which made me think Can we have some stats around how many of those players were new players, how many were as a result of free EGS access and how long they remained players? It's easy to add numbers especially through the EGS free weekends, but would Wildcard like to share some data on how many of those "added" players stick around compared to how many find the server performance and bugs with the game too much of a disappointment and quit very shortly after. While we are sharing stats here is the downtime for EU-PVE Extinction 469 for today. I know the duration for each outage is short, just long enough to kick all players from the server and make doing bosses or OSD a very risky prospect. Player count has gone from 13 Av and 9 Minimum 2 weeks ago to 4Av and 0 min this week due to these outages. Beginning End Duration 01/23/2021 11:33 AM 01/23/2021 11:34 AM 00:01 01/23/2021 11:02 AM 01/23/2021 11:03 AM 00:01 01/23/2021 10:31 AM 01/23/2021 10:32 AM 00:01 01/23/2021 10:18 AM 01/23/2021 10:20 AM 00:02 01/23/2021 9:59 AM 01/23/2021 10:03 AM 00:04 01/23/2021 9:43 AM 01/23/2021 9:44 AM 00:01 01/23/2021 9:11 AM 01/23/2021 9:12 AM 00:01 01/23/2021 8:55 AM 01/23/2021 8:56 AM 00:01 01/23/2021 7:54 AM 01/23/2021 7:55 AM 00:01 01/23/2021 12:34 AM 01/23/2021 12:36 AM 00:02 I like ark and it's been a fun journey like a long road trip, but the vehicle has been too unreliable the break downs have been too frequent too many hours spent at the side of the road waiting for rescue. So when we get to the end of the road and Ark 2 takes over I won't be joining the return journey. I'll take the plane home instead.
  3. Spooky pile spawn rates need to be upped, hardly spawning on some servers. I searched all weekend and only got about 14 scarecrows. Because I have to work i can't devote time to this during the week so it's unlikely I will obtain enough event items to get the emotes or skins due to to the current very low spawn rates Like the rest of 2020 this event is turning into a bit of a disappointment
  4. You have to put yourself out there in the first place. Join a server. This is from a PVE perspective. Be friendly to people already there and people will most likely be friendly back. Don't beg for dinos and free stuff because you are new, this will put people on the server off you right away. Make a genuine attempt to fit in, stop and say hello to people you might pass as you travel round. Most will stop and chat for a few minutes, they'll probably be happy enough to tell you what they are doing at the moment, looking for a specific high level dino that kind of thing. Don't screw others over, for tames or resources. For example, if you go to farm metal and someone else is already there, don't turn it into a competition. Say hello, tell them as they are farming you'll move on and come back another time. You''ll build respect from other players as someone who is fair and an asset to the server. Be prepared to help others out. On the Island established tribes are always on the look out for Spino sails for boss runs. Keep a hold of things like this that are in short supply even if you can't use them someone else might be very glad of them. Once you have established yourself like this regular players will see you as one of them, they will trade with you, go on boss fights or caving expeditions with you, invite you to alliances or their discord. This is how friendships are built.
  5. State your evidence, where is the poll you took that says only a minority of current players are unhappy with the no support for legacy decision. Your previous reply is irrelevant, you don't speak for Wildcard. You have a right to your own views on the subject and can express them where ever you like. But it is speculation to say they have compromised more than any other game developer would and not based in any fact or supported by any actual verbatim evidence. Sheep accept everything without question. Why should we not question the decision Wildcard have made if we think it's a mistake and will be detrimental to the long term future of the game. Perhaps you might want to research the concept of Net Promoter Score or Index and how bad decisions affect a companies ability to retain customers and attract new ones. A net promoter like you might attract one or 2 new customers to a company. But a net detractor will typically be more vocal and tell many more people of their bad experience and in turn influence many, many more potential customers to stay away. Currently ARK is getting hammered on steam with lots of people posting negative reviews, when people read those reviews they may well chose to spend their hard earned cash on a different game. If you truely believe that Wildcard can ignore customer feedback and survive entirely on the sheep who will blindly keep forking over their money regardless of what decisions Wildcard make then please promise me that you will never try to make a living in the business world, I'd be worried that you end up homeless and starving. I'm not a fan, I'm a customer. If I stop spending money on Wildcard products because I don't like their decisions then that's my choice. If I choose to tell them that there is a possibility that I will stop buying their products because of their decisions then that is also my choice. They can chose whether they want to try to keep me as a customer or risk me becoming a net detractor. It's their bottom line that will be affected at the end of the day. I have played alpha and beta games of what you call proper buy to pay games, but never had to pay anything to do so. Typically you get to play the alpha or beta and if you think it's trash you keep your money in your pocket at full release. I took a chance on Ark and Wildcard, maybe I was a fool to do so, parting with my money on something unproven and with no credentials. But what is it they say? won't get fooled again? If that is the (excuse the pun ) "Legacy" Wildcard are looking for they may be very close to their goal.
  6. I can completely understand why they want a level playing field for new players on the new cluster on release day. I completely understand also that this necessitates there to be no transfer between clusters so as to prevent a day 1 swamping of the new servers by Alpha tribes and established players at least initially until the new cluster is matured to a similar level as the existing legacy servers. What I don't understand is why they have to make the legacy cluster unsupported?. Purge outstanding support tickets fine I can live with that. But to say that the legacy servers will get the same updates but will no longer receive support makes this very much a 2 class system. To me this is very short sighted. I know Wildcard won't get new money from existing players except the ones who want to have the goodies from the limited edition exclusive versions. But DLCs must be in their thinking and to alienate a huge chunk of your player base might just jeopardise their future spending on DLCs and Wildcards future earning potential. Come on guys, think carefully about what you want to achieve. Great titles, loyal fans repeat business and long term sustainability or quick bucks. I hope you can see the strenght of feeling in the community and can make a sensible compromise.
  7. With today's announcements I don't think I'd accuse the Devs of outright lies but they are certainly disingenuous to a level I only usually expect from politicians. The didn't lie entirely, as the promised they aren't wiping thriving servers only ghost towns. But all the assurances that were given were hollow lip sevice to try and prevent the game dying on it's arse in development. Backing people who have been loyal to the game into a corner with the we won't support legacy servers plan. now it's your choice move to the new cluster, lose a few thousand hours game time and effort and start fresh. Or stay where you are till the devs have suffocated the "legacy" server you are on enough to be able to call it a ghost town and "re-purpose" it I've supported you to help you get this game off the ground and now you aren't going to support me because I'm going to be on a legacy server. Clearly you have no idea of customer service, loyalty, integrity, or honesty. Anyone thinking about buying this game at release probably better think twice, you will probably find that once they have sucked up your dollars you'll be forgotten about too and within a year or so will be in some unsupported legacy server backwater just waiting for your turn to be re-purposed too. I know jeremy, jen and their team won't care about my post. But perhaps they might find that they have enough decency to return my money and I will piss off to somewhere I won't be treated like a farm animal to milk till it's dry then shoot behind the barn.
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