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PerilousHalo8 last won the day on September 25 2016

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  1. I love ARK on Xbox One, but whenever I either try to play on my friends private server or they want to play on mine, that border, or "Bubble" as me and my friends call it, is making it REALLY difficult to get stuff done. All I'm asking is that in the next patch, they either remove the Border around the Host Player in Private Servers or make a toggle for it in the "Host/Local". Seriously, everything else in the game is AMAZING, but sometimes I'm trying to do something, then when my friend goes outta range, I'm forced to teleport. Everyone who plays Xbox One ARK Survival Evolved on a private server with their friends most likely knows about this annoying feature.

    1. PerilousHalo8


      Try out 7 days to die . The fun pimps have figured out how to have a scaled , voxel style map , that is around 25 Square Km's. And no anchor . Sort of like minecraft. Why can other companies do this , and  wildcard not, I do not know. If they Went with a grid map that loaded active chunks and deactivated unloaded chunks. They could remove the bubble. Though I will tell you THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN. It's to hard to do this late in game.

  2. So , We are in MID Aug , And Jit had said that it could be Sept 1st , Maybe 2 weeks later in Mid Sept . For a July update ,That's a MONTH and a HALF . ok . ok . ok ....... Now I am seeing END of SEPT ? Is this an Auction and no one told me ? WE got , sept1st sept1st sept1st sept1st Do I hear , Ok we got midsept midsept midsept midsept midsept , Do I hear Endsept endsept endsept END SEPT .. ??? Let me know If I get to add OCT to this ETA auction , HAHAHAHAH ROFLMMFAOAY .
  3. This is almost laughable , You think I'm mad . I'm not mad , I expect people to do what they promise . Perhaps a promise is about as good as toilet paper to you, To adults a person is only as good as their word. If someone tells me they will have X task completed by X day , I Expect it to be done. The same goes for me , I say I will have X done by X . When the day ever comes I have to delay something , If I had to tell them , Sorry I'm having trouble with it , It'll be 3 more weeks. I might as well freshen up my resume. How ever you candy coat it , is borderline insulting. You can be as snide as you want, I've fired enough people with attitudes like yours to know why that is. You say .." calm down ". All that is going to continue to happen when people voice the FACT, we are being treated second to pc's with you telling us in short, deal with it . Saying " We don't want to release it with bugs" Is a piss poor scapegoat. " Yet you continue to throw in our faces it is in beta . PICK ONE OR THE OTHER. IT IS A BETA , SO it will have bugs , YET you don't want any ruff release and have it have any bugs. If someone has a problem you tell them " It's in beta there is gonna be bugs .. sorry " THEN you turn around and say " We don't want it to have bugs so it needs to wait" I'm NOT THE ONLY OnE WHO CAN SEE THROUGH THE WALL OF CRAP you are slinging , and I am lol'ing at you HARDCORE. Only an idiot would lie , ( or child) AND expect people to not see what is going on .
  4. Honestly , " Be grateful " , Here's a thought , I bought this game on pc and xbox , I AM A CONSOLE GAMER. I BOUGHT A GAME ( Yeah BOUGHT/GAME, Alpha beta DMS) I well never " BE GRATEFUL " FOR SOMEONE DOING THEIR GD JOB . YES , I said it , Their J O B . At any time they can say .. TADA this is the full release, GREAT, They don't have to do a single thing . HOWEVER SO LONG AS ANYTHING GOES TO another port EVERY OTHER PORT HAD BETTER RECIEVE IT. And I know this must be REALLY HARD for you to wrap your head around , BUT RELEASE updates / w/e tf they want to call it TO EVERYONE AT THE SAME TIME. And don't give me this PR BS about bugs/ glitches , GTFOI IT IS A BETA , BUGS ARE WELCOME. BIAS can get wrecked at the door. Favoritism can go to hell , and I'll be sure to pack it in bubble wrap. GET WRECKED. CONSOLE PLAYERS PAID AND WE ARE TIRED OF GETTING CRAPPED ON AS SECOND RATE, 8 days later, pc has YET AGAIN PASSED ON BY. Looking forward to the next update , MEANWHILE console players .. left chasing behind. Oh and what is that there ?? Oh that's right TWO MORE WEEKS , While the pc players post NEW content, WE GET SHAFTED with " Dude this is 3 weeks old , Tell me something new" Oh wait You already GOT OUR MONEY , And we got ? Oh right again , told " PC COMES FIRST" AT NO POINT IN THE DISCLAIMER DOES IT SAY , PC GETS EVERYTHING WEEKS BEFORE YOU , Oh and , SPECIAL EVENTS, THOSE ARE FACTS , and I'm only getting started.
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