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  1. Who knew that Trikes could do meth? Seriously, that Trike hasn't eaten in weeks and is gaunt as a result of it.
  2. Underwater AoE Grenades would be useful for killing Eels that have stuck themselves inside your tame's hitbox.
  3. Still doesn't help with them glitching inside your dino's hitbox and getting it stuck to where it can't retaliate. Or the Eels glitching through terrain and sitting inside of rocks and stuff, waiting to ambush you. No point in knocking out anything underwater with the Harpoon Gun and taming it, when it's just going to die 5 mins later to a pack of eels ghosting out of a rock saying "Suprize! Butt Seckz!" I've seen Gods of the Sea Mosasaurus and Tusoteuthis that were bred off of two perfect 150 Tames (224 after Tame), with 100% Imprint and Mastercraft+ Saddles, that could annihilate any Alpha in the Sea, get killed by a pack of low level Eels before.
  4. The big question is, did they fix/nerf the Electrophorus? If not, then the Harpoon Gun will never see any use.
  5. In case you guys didn't notice, they also snuck this into the patch notes after the patch hit. * Limited one C4 attached per dino, unless you run with this console command: ?AllowMultipleAttachedC4=true Significantly reducing the effectiveness of Turtle Bombs. With the Flyer nerf, no flyer will go anywhere near a base with Turrets, they'd get lit up and dropped in seconds before they could even flee. All that leaves for base assault, is land dinos, which can easily be stopped with Metal Pillars, Large Bear Traps and Chain Bolas, then lit up and killed.
  6. Lol. I have boonies internet which downloads at 180kb/sec, so it's going to take me hours to download it
  7. Bet you the new "special cosmetic skin" from the Alpha Leed, is the Tricorne hat seen in the video. Looking forward to losing a bred, Lvl 300+ Tek Mosa to a pack of Eels.
  8. Are the Eels fixed? If not, then nobody is even going to bother with the underwater content.
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