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Z0mbie last won the day on November 6 2017

Z0mbie had the most liked content!

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  1. I think most Americans love everybody regardless of what color they are. I judge everyone by their character not their skin color. It doesn't matter what "side" we're all on, we just can't throw sanity out the window and allow the whole nation to be destroyed because we are mad.
  2. Yeah, this is what the community was missing. Lets pour a little race baiting and race flaming onto this fire....lol
  3. Are you new here? The Ark community prides itself on being the most toxic on the planet.
  4. Trying to point that out to anyone on the left is like trying to explain concepts of astro-physics to a mouse. It might be as simple as water is wet to you but they'll just never get it.
  5. Yeah, I'm actually enjoying the Raptor apocalypse on Valguero. It's pretty funny... No matter how many I eat they just keep coming...lol....Wheeeeeeeeee!
  6. Hey thanks! Yeah this will be my 4th one. I always liked the Easter event.
  7. I agree Purple and Blue was the best color event ever! Still love all color events thO.
  8. Awesomeness.....I love color dino events!!!!
  9. [BUG] - Mistletoe and Coal disappear with server restart. It's happened every day on server backup and just happened with the latest server crash. Private server.
  10. How do you figure it wasn't the first try. They said Nov. 6th and they put it out on Nov. 6th.
  11. It looks really awesome... Congrats on hitting your release date on the first try...Good Job WC you've come a long way!!!
  12. I'm really enjoying the event too. I like the Tek Rexes a lot and quite a few of the other dinos have some cool color combos as well. Plus the flaming fossil piles give some really nice loot...Good Job WC!
  13. I have several times....Could you try to be helpful? It is what you're supposed to be doing here.
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