That's all you have to say? "You are exaggerating"? How do you know? What will stop people from going EA, delivering a basic working framework, developing DLCs with the sales of the EA game and then finally drop it with a shady explanation, which is what they can do as EA game. What on earth would stop them?
Thanks for calling us "whiners" and that way trying to remove any credibility from us as persons. Maybe try to make actual points than going for ad hominems and insults.
Is it really so unreasonable to assume that with the successful sale of the DLC they will turn their main focus on those now, declaring the game finished in pretty much the state it is (maybe even leaving it rather unpolished on purpose to encourage follow-up sales for the more polished DLCs), since the base game is already (being) sold and further development on it probably won't net a direct revenue result.
In short: now that they got their first DLC through successfully, what is stopping them of simply declaring the base game released and only working on DLCs?