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Everything posted by Interloper

  1. The problem is this is a bandwagon Mammal, while a few may have a genuine grievence, those who followed have devolved it. It all got passed along like a round of Chinese whispers with each rant getting more and more complex and distorted til we come at last to purple monkey dishwasher.
  2. I don't know how you stay sane sometimes ciabattaroll.. I've literally stuck a loaded rat trap on the desk to deter me from replying to a great many of the absurd comments or conclusions people come up with on this forum.
  3. Pessimists are the worlds happiest people though, there's no end to the topics they can throw valuable input at (hah..) Whenever something goes wrong there's always a merry chorus of told you so but if they're wrong then they're pleasantly surprised.
  4. Would be somewhat nice if the only method of taming one of these was to hatch it from a fertilized egg (especially if its an end game creature) either looted from the corpse of a wild one or a potential new resource, mantis egg sac could spawn similar to a beaver dam if these have semi fixed habitats. Something beyond the usual bug spray and feed meat/gel/poop or rendering the thing comatose with tranquilizers. Either way, always thought mantis were cool from a young age so keen to see this thing in game.
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