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  1. #ARKSurvivalAscended has reached a new lowest point ever, with less than 10,000 players ingame. This is a first, as ARK: Survival Evolved never went under that numbe and still they dont change the rates??????!!! this grind game is doomed whitout permanent 3x
  2. i dont have time for trhese rates.... make a better official rates serrver like 3x permanent 6x on event Thank you for listening
  3. yeah both very good points
  4. with 5xtaming,recources,xp so ppl who have to work can make some progress in a couple of hours a day they got.
  5. the server rates are so bad its sad
  6. like the title says can we get better rates i try to play ASA for fun but this grind is not fun. change it.
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