What is happening to Ark? Why do Mysterious Mysteries exist? Now hear me out, I'm NOT against creativity, I want Ark to evolve I want them to be creative, but they're just taking it too far with these non existing creatures. It's bad enough we got the Broodmother, Megapithecus, Dodorex and Dragon. We don't need anymore fictional creatures. The reason I started playing Ark was because of all of the prehistoric creatures that once existed. I got to see some of my favorite prehistoric creatures such as the T-Rex, carno, mammoth, trike, giganotosaurus and all the rest of them. I am really excited for the Pelagornis and Allosaurus in the next update. I liked where Ark was going with the Dino Dossiers. Now it has been 3 weeks since Tapejara was confirmed. When are they going to reveal the Gorgonopsid and Giant Crab dossiers? What happened to those?! All Mysterious Mysteries is is a complete waste of our time (well, a waste of my time anyway.) Again, I'm NOT against creativity, I just personally think that these Mysterious Mysteries are taking it way too far. That's just my opinion. Other than that, I love Ark.