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Everything posted by ragingpdm

  1. ragingpdm


    Haven't found any houses yet. Not sure if there are any on single player mode. I know I just learned sleeping bag. Starting to collect what I need for it.
  2. ragingpdm


    Thanks. I'll start to pay attention for now on lol
  3. ragingpdm


    Update: I purchased Ark last night. Started playing single player to get my feet wet. Good thing because I've no Idea DILO I'm doing lol. I crafted a few things. I was pissed when I died & my inventory was GONE. Lost so much stuff. I don't like that aspect of the game. Wish it was like 7 Days, where after you respawn, you can pick your stuff up where you died
  4. I'm now the new proud owner of, AR:D

  5. After speaking with some fellow X1 gamer's and watching a few hours of streams, I'll most likely be purchasing Ark later tonight. :Rex:

  6. ragingpdm


    And anything you do SP, carries over to MP? If so, I'm definitely getting this
  7. ragingpdm


    Awesome. You have a recommended server? I definitely am not going into public one just starting out
  8. ragingpdm


    If I get it now, did I miss out on all the previous DLC?
  9. ragingpdm


    I'm really contemplating buying this game. Was watching streams last night. Look's to be fun, but I hear don't play on public servers, as they suck & are slow....to play on a server with friends is best
  10. Thinking of buying Ark for XboxOne

    1. Like100stickmen


      Do it we can play and is so fun


    2. ragingpdm


      You have other friends that play? I keep reading to enjoy this game, you need to play pvp with friends, not on a public server, as they supposedly suck. Also, I submitted a ticket to support about something I need to know about purchasing the Game Preview 

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