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Everything posted by xGuttsx

  1. Yea DILO is with that how come ps4 gets better exclusive than xbox n pc? Idc about the bionic rex skin fir zbox, the giga is where it's at, gotta deal with constant dashboard in everyday. And giga nurf but a system who doesn't deal with anything yet will get the best skin exclusive isn't cool. I was lucky to even get a skeletal giganotosaurus skin on official server. Stop nurf in giga on pve
  2. So do we have a eta for today Nov 2nd for fear evolved 2 on xbox patiently waiting
  3. If anything do double baby maturation on official or 4 times.. dragon raising is apparently for jobless people.. esp imprinted and any thing over 2 days is ridiculous
  4. Give everyone on xbox all the skeletal skins, double rates don't really do anything good, alpha players and tribes already have things
  5. How about less worrying about picking up a stupid trophy and support who lined your wallet with money, we should all petition to get our money back for false advertizing and publish mentioned of lies, like everyone got back with no mans sky
  6. Frigged give xbox players the gigs skins then, I loaded up my quetz with alot of ammo and turrent and arrows on the side and flame arrows too to make sure I kill a skeletal giga... release it even if it's a few days late and let it run longer to make up for it. Or give us skins.. you probably have more users on xbox then pc, u should give xbox ur priority!
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