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Frisbee last won the day on July 9 2024

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  1. HOW LONG UNTIL RAGNAROK!?!?! it's all I've been waiting for and it feels like I've been waiting forever 😭😭
  2. Couldn't participate in this years Extra Life, someone pillboxed me out of my cave and I haven't been able to get back in 🙃🤷‍♂️ #OfficialLife
  3. Not buying this one until we get one of literally any of the official clusters I've been begging for!! 😠 whether that's a solo/duos, ORP or a No-tek cluster, it doesn't matter. But I won't invest anymore when I can't even really play.
  4. With exticition coming out and 4 maps already out. We now have enough maps to make a few closed clusters. One such cluster should be a Solos/Duos official cluster. Even in small tribes a team of 2 vs a team of 5 is a pretty significant difference. We sunsetted so many island servers, surely all of them can't just be for extinction. It would also be a place players wiped from larger tribe servers can go play with another when a large amount of a tribe takes a break. Hope to see news about this soon!! 🙏
  5. The only reason I tolerate club ark is because otherwise there was quite literally no way for me to do bosses on official smalls, cause I couldn't get the tributes. But club ark allowed me to win them to run bosses, sure I still had to collect trophies but that's not super impossible like getting the tributes from a well dug in cave base.
  6. We need to add another map with wyvern eggs to take all the priority off scorched earth. Whether that's Val or Rag it doesn't really matter, but a second map to be able to go to for eggs would be helpful, the trenchs are so trapped, usually by the tribe in the oil cave. Got wiped before the event, so looks like I'll miss holloween and the extra life this year, but it's odd to see it only in club ark. Zomdodos destroying beach bobs was like the greatest part of the old event🤣🤣 Hope to see a solos/duos added soon, the 1 v 6 I went through last night was pretty brutal, taking a break until extinction when I can hopefully sneak back into a cave. HAPPY SURVIVING!
  7. The dodos in club ark should be worth 25 coins a piece, and the golden dodos should be worth 100 coins
  8. Are they checking submittied tickets still? The site said it was down or something for the last 25 days? But I have a technical problem with a stuck dino on official with cryos inside.
  9. That's what I'm doing now just to try and survive on smalls. Day after day I'm hunted and I hide. I can't do bosses because every cave is either taken or completely blocked off. Alphas with nothing better to do than look for me are the norm it seems.
  10. It's probably because I only ever played primitive plus on ASE and on that game mode even a solo can build enough plants to make a tribe a 5 take hours to get in, and if you're actively defending, they aren't getting in on prim plus. I do see how tek renders all that pointless though.
  11. I love this game, I spent years playing prim plus and it was the most fun I've had in years. All I need is an official mode with no tek on it. We had both in ASE. I don't feel like I'm asking for much and it would appease so many players. But at its current state I just feel like I can't even play official.
  12. So with all the low population servers closing are those players supposed to go play on the completely tek foundationed off maps with tribes that only spend their time hunting bobs? its been hard enough playing on the dead maps just trying to get access to the tributes, i don't see how new or smaller tribe of players can even "play" after this close. I think that if they should add a few official cluster types: a solos, duos and/or trios and a no tek, it would help a lot with many players complaints of being overwhelmed by larger tribes. Even in smalls a tribe of 2 cant keep up with a full team of 6 even playing aroundd the clock. These types are good for those of us who only have a few friends to play with, and with the fear of insiding its so hard to trust other players you don't know to reach a full tribe. I however don't think we should add an ORP though, the fear of losing your base is what makes this game fun. But if you dont have that many tribe members, in the current game official game mode, you just cant keep up. If we had a trios for example, a tribe of 2 vs a tribe a 3 isnt a huge advantage or disadvantage and would make the game still challenging but a bit more fair.
  13. I vote they mass wipe and restart every small tribes server because oh my god, why is every single one that doesn't have a 20 player counts on it foundation spammed across the entire map??? Some even have cryo fridges blocking drops to make it near impossible to get off the map. I don't even see I bother playing this game 0/10 right now
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