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  1. Rebel Circus Gaming US PVEvP cluster Xbox/Windows 10 cross play only ASA expansion plans 12 PVE Maps divided by 6 maps at 5X, 6 Boosted maps divided into 3 groups focused on Taming, Breeding, and Resource Harvesting Home maps are Island, Valguero, Scorched Earth, Ragnarok, Crystal Isles, and The Center (5xH/5xT/25xM/50xInc/5xXP) Breeding maps are Fjordur and Lost Island (4.5xH/5xT/40xM/50xInc/5xXP) Harvesting maps are Genesis and Genesis 2 (5.5xH/5xT/20xM/50xInc/5xXP) Taming maps are Aberration and Extinction (4.5xH/7xT/20xM/50xInc/10xXP) 2 PVP maps Fjordur and The Center (5xH/5xT/25xM/50xInc/5xXP/10xDifficulty) ASA Members and boosters of the cluster will have progress transferred to new Maps Each map has a particular grind that captures the essence of the game with each other map acting as focused boosts to support a quality of life balance to anyone wanting to push their gaming experience at their own pace. Our PVP map is connected for only a few days 4 each season allowing transfers from but not to the PVE maps items and creatures. You can choose to play either mode or use both to strengthen your survivor. ### Discord 🤡 Active admin support 🤡 Events, Giveaways, Games, Music, dedicated voice channels 🤡 Boosting bundles, Admin shop, Roll advancement, Leveling rewards 🤡 Free to Play Bounties and Quests offering a unique experience outside of ARK progress 🤡 Self-Moderated, Friendly, Adult forums and channels 🤡 Starters are available on your first quest ### Maps 🤡 Cluster Max wild dino is 330 available on Taming maps and Exclusive Dinos. 🤡 Max Character is offered in Quests 🤡 Dino Level up increased to 100 levels 🤡 Auto Engram on leveling except Tek through event 🤡 Instant Pickup 🤡 .003 Breeding cooldown on Breeding maps 🤡 Hex Store and rewards boosted All Map rates and boosts are detailed in our Discord https://discord.gg/QSqW7AHE7H
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