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Everything posted by sparcmx

  1. I'll put something up for the Crunch some day...
  2. Dont get too excited its not a release! :$ 

    Just playing around with some logo ideas, what do you think?  Yea or Nay?

    1. tednik
    2. WinterJasper


      its nice gj :) but what's it for


      greetings :)



    3. sparcmx


      If you ever decide to do an ARK Youtube video, where you need a smooth flying camera to show off your creation.  Or if you are Lame Wolf Productions and need a dollycam for a scene, this is the program for you :P

      Basically its a stand-alone app (like Commander) that controls the ARK viewport, you create curves on a map, x y z pitch yaw etc.  Glider will then interpolate movement between your curve points and export the motion as a sequence of JPG images.  Easy.

      Frame by frame output means your PC doesn't need to be a monster to get 60fps with Epic settings!
          ** Think of it as, Stop Motion for ARK :)



      Releasing to testers this weekend..

  3. Count me in, although it will be 3am when you start. I shall arise 2pm PST, toast in hand
  4. Having to revisit Twitter after years of not even bothering..  I feel old  (squinting at the screen tryin' to figure out what the hell I'm doing).

    1. Karrah


      That is so funny because I found myself on Twitter tonight after years of being absent only wondering what I was doing and why was I putting myself through that!?!? *Thumbs up!*

  5. I think I need to clean house..  just under 10000 lines of code for a command spitter, a little excessive.
    Optimize optimize, select chunk - delete..   Lemony fresh!


    Yes, I'm losing my mind :P 

  6. It appears to be another tribe stealing dinos
  7. Well, I've officially landed, Greetings ARK Community!  Lets Code!

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