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Everything posted by AtomikalDusky

  1. I've done it a while back as in the PvE option for Single Player, you can take out creatures as many times as you want without worrying for cryosickness
  2. Okay, I'm hooked, I still won't buy the Pryomane because now compared to the Dreadmare, clearly more effort was done with it than the lazy Shadowmane reskin. Now if the next Fantastic Tames have effort done and originality like the Dreadmare then I'm all for it.
  3. Gee, who would have guessed that controlling the whole server as an Alpha Tribe, griefing and killing anybody who joints that server and is so toxic that nobody new bothers to join that server would lead to it being seen as inactive. Just because the same people join a server every day doesn't mean it's active as new players don't bother entering thus the number of players joining decreases to the point that the server is seen as inactive by their standards.
  4. I'm never gonna abandon my boi Bulbdog, it's bros before cosmos.
  5. This, the concept art really didn't do any justice for the Yi-ling, but now that we get to see the in-game model of the "Dodo-Raptor", it really gives me Mystical Chinese Dragon vibes.
  6. While I do understand that it's pretty scummy that they used the popularity of the Maevia to make a Jumping Spider that is locked behind a payed DLC, in all fairness, it's not like they credited the people who suggested and made concept art for Dinopithecus, Desmodus, Rhyniognatha, Carchardontosaurus, Gigantoraptor, Fasolasuchus, Shastasaurus, Yi-Qi (which I'm still salty about), and Dreadnoughtus.
  7. The ability to win Artifacts in Club Ark alone makes it 100% worth playing the minigames.
  8. Imma be honest, Club Ark is surprisingly a very good idea and it has alot of potential and what people can do with it. For example, it would be cool to be able to win Artifacts in Club Ark, that way people playing in official PvP can no longer be Prim-Locked by Alpha Tribes and have a chance to ascend. I've also heard people suggest that maybe Survival of the Fittest could instead be integrated into Club Ark and have people win large some of Tokens of they win. I also wonder if other Club Ark Hubs will exist for other maps or if they main Club Ark map will expand when other maps drop.
  9. Well this is interesting, I remember people saying it would be cool to see Garuga's Creatures in ARK Officially, and it is cool that it's happening. I just hope they don't heavily nerf these creatures or change their taming methods too much as they have very fun taming mechanics. But I do think that ASA does need new creatures in addition to all the current Official creatures we got. Tho it would also be cool to get updates and TLCs for many of the Base Official creatures as they look very outdated in ASA, mainly all the Pre-2016 Creatures like Bronto, Quetz, Mosa, Plesio, etc.
  10. I don't wanna sound negative but y'all ain't doing yourselves any favors with only doing community crunches that only consists of Mod Showcases, Fan-Art, and Videos of the Week. At this point people want SOMETHING to get excited about, mods can only carry the game so far. Like why not give us sneak peak screenshots of Scorched Earth, or show us pictures of how some assets differ from ASE. I'd rather have a picture of how the ASA Joshua Tree will look like than these "Nothing Burgers".
  11. First still congrats and I'm glad you're happy with how the Gigantoraptor turned out. And I agree with all your points, sure it ain't the Maewing but it still does things the Maewing can't which makes it different on its own. From how I see it, it takes aspects of the Cryopod Imprint request re-roll, it serves as a early/mid game Egg Incubator until you can either get enough Air Conditioners or once Gen 2 comes out with the Egg Incubator, it's feathers allow you to get a higher chance of passing desired stats to their babies, it gives a 30% imprint to babies after feeding the babies' bloodlust. And most importantly, it's a rather quick mount that can glide like a Terror Bird. Remember everyone, just because it's a community voted creature doesn't mean it will be a Giga-Tier Dino, but rather a fun creature to use.
  12. I'm surprised we still haven't gotten an explanation on why the Gigantoraptor has swapped with Shastasaurus for The Center map. The Oasisaur is pretty cool tho, I wonder if it will also produce resources similar to the Megachelon.
  13. So like how big is the Dread, is it going to be larger than the Titano as based on the dossier it's about the same size as the Ice Titan?
  14. Not really, the Maewing serves more as a living feeding trough for babies as well as stealing babies from enemy tribes. The Gigantoraptor, based on its dossier, seems to work similar to the s+ Nanny as well as maybe taming wild Dino babies.
  15. As cool as the Rhyniognatha is, I'm kinda disappointed that the Final Content Update for ARK is just the Rhyniognatha, personally I was kinda hoping for like a Final TLC for some creatures or maybe making some creatures breedable just to end the game on a good note.
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