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  1. They need to get the certification first before updating the rest so we aren't left hanging
  2. This happening when you release The Center map as well. Quit neglecting this platform!
  3. Where is our update Ark Devs!? Windows Xbox app players are left hanging and unable to play and likely losing a lot of tames because of your negligence!
  4. Seems like they could at least give us an announcement regarding the xbox app on windows and give us a timeframe maybe....we are left hanging instead.
  5. Same bro! I played Survival Evolved like crazy and just got really into SA and now this...about to call it quits on Ark period. It is like they dont test their content before making it live....they had to have known the update wasnt ready for xbox app users and could have mentioned it but instead they just lie and say its on all platforms now when indeed it isnt
  6. same...funny how they wont mention this widespread issue but want to toot their dlc while the windows 10 xbox app version is hung out to dry.....cant play any map let alone center.
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