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Everything posted by Bonz

  1. @GP so is it kinda like early access if you already have it and buy the upgrade
  2. @SilentFrank This is funny, you have a total of ten posts and still dogs on volunteer mods or thank your better then people who have actually been here longer. Not once did wildcard say scorch is free.
  3. Wildcard can only do so much. Wildcard can't do anything since it's in abstractions hands
  4. @AllOfTheAllos What gamemode pve or pvp do you use
  5. Sir you need to figure out what kinda rare mushrooms your eating.
  6. thanks for the tip. i use war maps personally
  7. sorry to say but your ideas dont seem reasonable
  8. I for one got a easy raid on CI for max wyvs that are gold
  9. I agree but MAYBE they will have a mega TLC for the last update. Thats just my hope
  10. good point> Sure would be nice if wild card we get their community crunches out to let people know if it's worth playing Ark this weekend. Evo or no evo. Case anybody from Wild card actually reads this let's explain to you how this works. On weekends you have no evil event there is a drop to participate in down to 20% of players. An evil weekends participation by players goes back up to 80 plus percent. Every week and there is no event people become less and less interested in the game which in turn puts less and less interest in the new game coming out. To put a quite clearly if you want people to stay interested in your game you should really allow them to continue to want to play which means evo weekends
  11. Ig im waiting to not be a early bird
  12. There are some decent ideas in this
  13. I would early game to prim plus as a tier. i know i use simple pistol because of the ease of it in a hour of wipe. Having prim plus into the base game would allow use to have a variety of diff weapons early on. Also where are the updates to it
  14. Cant wait for the Carch, Hoepfully can fight gigs and allow more use to the reaper king
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