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Shrekasaurus last won the day on April 16 2017

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About Shrekasaurus

  • Birthday 11/29/2000

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  1. I can assure you that the majority of the community would NOT want something like this. One of the biggest points of praise I've heard over the years for Ark is that all of their paid DLC actually feels like it's worth the money, and adding micro transactions for any element of the game would only work to tarnish that and make the community upset. At that point you may as well charge players for every fifteen minutes of playtime in the game.
  2. Dreadnoughtus looks sick, but I am FIENDING for that trailer.
  3. Everything sounds very promising! Looking forward to the trailer. I still can't believe it's been 8 years of Ark already.
  4. It is, in my humble opinion, perhaps the most missed opportunity when it comes Ark that the oceans and waterways are relatively devoid of any reason to visit when compared to the land. Pretty much every resource you need can be found much easier on land, and defensive/offensive aquatic creatures lack more use because people don't have as much to attack or defend in the water. One of my biggest hopes for ASA is that they make the water more interesting (the visual glow-up will help, but it needs more than that imo). Once that's done (if it gets done) I think there would be more of a reason to add to the aquatic menagerie.
  5. It would be very fitting for such a creepy and dark biome to have some creature from the Cambrian. Imagine swimming through the waters of Aberration atop an overgrown, monstrous Anomalocaris 😯
  6. I never even bothered with imprinting before so this is a gamechanger for me 😄
  7. That's a good point. It's kind of getting to the point where a lot of the "end game" creatures seem more-or-less like slight variations of each other. I think the Charcharodontosarus would've worked well for a Giganotosaurus TLC, for example. Dinosaurs are still definitely the highlight of the game, tho. It would really help to just have more herbivores added, I think. I was really hoping that the Titanoceratops would win a few votes back for this reason. But like you said, some other prehistoric beasties like creatures from the Cenozoic and Permian would be great as well.
  8. More Hadrosaur representation would be more than welcome. Perhaps a creature to help dispel the idea that Hadrosaurs were pushovers.
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