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  1. they misled us for months (actually well over a year now), saying cross platform was coming, they didn't state anywhere the rules of the implementation. Like I say I don't expect any less tho from a company that charged for DLC while still in a preview status, I love the game but an getting tired of this ****. I will not be paying again just for an extra feature of a game that is constantly having identity crisis after crisis, it's changed too much now and the disappointments have become a standard. If anyone wants to take bets I am betting that Ragnorock doesn't drop on the 29th, I bet it gets submitted on the 29th making us all wait till the 1st, I mean its not like they don't know how microshaft like to drag their feet and estimate that into the schedule, it's easier to just blame xbox verification for the delays, I wasn't ever mad about buying a game twice, but now it seems that having it on multiple platforms is still not giving me what was promised. I wish steam would give me a refund now and I'll just buy the extra DLC on my xbox and be done with it. Of course that would never happen. I wonder if microsoft take less than steam for their cut, and this is all just a ploy to get the existing users to re buy the game so they get a bigger slice. Or is it just another one of lifes coincidences... It's funny you say check your facts first, show me where to check, the forums are becoming so broken that the update schedule didn't mention anything about a delay, when have they been forthcoming with information that is accurate? it has all been speculation until this clarification. Am I meant to search the whole forums instead of asking a damn question and showing my frustrations on the answer? And the steam versions are different right? I wonder if all of the xbox servers they host all reside on separate xboxes, or if they have custom servers hosted on PC's, If they can do it why can't they share that software, so we can host from a PC too.. Are the windows 10 people able to play with steam people, because they shouldn't be able to if things are so different, and if it is the case they are just splitting up the pc userbase. The way the game plays it's like no one there has picked up an xbox controller for over a year, the game plays like crap. But I guess it still sells so they bloat it out with more and more useless things no one wants or ever uses.
  2. they don't care, they didn't listen about the flier nerf, or the ptera nerf, or to the people begging for annunaki on the xbox, it' s all about the money and the grind. Was really looking forward to using my pc to host a server for me and my friends who all have it on xbox they stopped playing because of the tether, finally there was a glimmer of hope but now I find i need to pay an extra what £20 or is it now bundled so I would have to pay full retail for a disk copy that comes complete. as a business model you guys are making mistakes, you haven't listened to the community and now the pc userbase has a product that is inferior to the windows version, no one uses the windows 10 shop for pc games, and if we did the title hasn't been available, there were all these promises, now told you must own the full xbox copy or sorry go puck yourslf. I bet you will need xbox live to play windows 10 games online soon. another subscription service that unlocks what you already paid for...~ What I expected was to be able to play with friends through my steam version, I'm now expecting to have to buy it first on the windows 10 platform for any kind of cross platform capability, how else do they get us to all keep buying their game, i mean if you haven't hear of or played ark by now you ain't gonna be paying full retail price. I bet the xbox preview is going to be a separate entity to full xbox/windows release too, like microsoft did with minecraft, it was meant to be cross platform so you only paid once, but only worked the one way, the windows 10 isn't the same as the old java, you got more for having the original, atleast they treated their original userbase not punished them
  3. SO, I have paid for it on Xbox and on steam, are you telling me that I will have to now buy scorched earth on my xbox, I have it on my pc, Can cross play or host with the steam version? it sounds like you need the windows 10 version for cross play, is the steam version now worth less than its xbox equivalent? by the fact that you get a pc version if you buy the xbox version but the steam version which we have all had access to is now only valid on the pc it gives the windows version more value and makes the steam version worth less.. I'm guessing I won't get scorched earth for free on my xbox, even tho I own 3 copies of the game now (xbox windows 10 and steam), and one version of the DLC, how does it work, i bet it ends up costing me..
  4. mega thread closed after 9 hours... cop out

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