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Posts posted by Gollum99

  1. Came ingame, sold some argies, guy understood prices for each was 3k, so he brought 6k...didnt correct him....

    Sold ssome boss rexes to a friend...yeah, sold, cuz the DireWolf lost the other 15 and still hasnt payed for them

    Got bored waiting for imprint...so went to Extinction with a Giga

    Found on OSD, had no idea what color it was, started it...saw some nice wyvern coming at me, corrupted dinos kept getting stuck in hills so it took a looooong time to finish, started searching for my argy that ran after so i could fill it up with goodies(crappy goodies, but goodies, some tek armor BP i will prolly never use cuz they cost a stuffload of ele)

    Went back to island, 3 minutes to imprint yeyee

    Found out i did a RED OSD from people who do them frequently....this being my first one

    Suicided a few times....now waiting for work hours to finish so i can go home :D

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  2. went to work, did my job, started playing ark

    went with character to abe to get some recipies....got lost...died...died again....kept dying....asked a frenchy from my island server to come pick me up on that abe server. died while waiting

    spawned in "safe" zone, portal....came across basilisk...guess what, died again

    found a survivor....offline....drowned him...felt better


    friend came, took me to a crate, ported back to island


    decided that if i started collectiong recipies i should get em all, on my crafter character....so i went to extinction...nobody there....maybe they went extinct

    went to red obe...found out there is nothing under red obe

    found a portal thingy to move back, waited 15 mins, moved back


    made some taxidermy thingies back on island, small ones, placed some dinos.....

    decided i need more weight on my crafting character to be able to make taxidermy

    decided to eat a mindwipe tonic

    .....realized after eating that i forgot something veeeeeerrrrry important....like...all engrams....

    cursed, logged out and went home

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