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Everything posted by Griffin998

  1. Yeah, deinons are vicious. Y'know, I'm honestly surprised I haven't really seen any deinon mutations on survivetheark. Anyways, good luck breeding, and happy ARKing!
  2. That's a really cool reference...Celtic mythology, right?
  3. What do you mean by swimming too fast? Are they glitched out and just flying all over the place when you swim?
  4. In fact, it was! I regularly used it to just go around and fight things. I took down a bronto with it once, so...The damage, combined with their harvesting prowess, made it an amazing meat gatherer all on it's own. It was not fast, but it was effective.
  5. Riiiiight. Totally forgot. If they would attack tho...
  6. They actually do some pretty decent damage. I had a high level moschops once (lvl 150 perf. tamed, I think). It had 2,000+ health and did ~200 damage, I think. Not mutated at all, so pretty dang good. An army of moschops could kill a boss-if only they could catch up to it...
  7. So you can feed anything to gachas? Interesting.
  8. Uh-no. Again-Dilophasaurus was small, teensy compared to rex. It was about the size of utahraptor, but it was a little more delicate, which just proves my point. It also decidedly did not spit venom. it was pretty much the budget utahraptor with fancy crests on it's head. Also, they hunted in packs. There is still no way a whole pack of dilos could ever take on a rex and win in any universe-unless they were much, much bigger and much, much more bulky. Then yes, maybe. But that's not the point.
  9. Dilos are decidedly not as strong as a rex, no matter in ARK or in real life. They were fairly large, yes, but nowhere near the raw power of T.Rex. Plus, the ARK dilos are meant to be early tames, inspired by Jurassic Park (if you didn't know that already). But other than that, super cool.
  10. That could easily be mutated. But it's actually a pretty neat concept.
  11. Pretty sure they are, but if you bring flyers into the manticore fight at all, it just doesn't land whatsoever, so probably not a good idea. Unless you're using a few people on mutated wyverns. In that case, then totally go for it, probably (not actually sure if you can bring wyverns into the boss fight, so take this with a grain of salt).
  12. huh. It would actually be sort of cool if that was still in, but the grind...Oof.
  13. Really? Please, explain! I'd love to know more. I only started playing post-rework, so I have no idea what it was like "back in the day" . Good luck, and happy ARKing!
  14. ... gamebreaking Just the europejara...5 times health? That would be insane! You could one-shot bosses with that, 100% (unless I misunderstood, in which case I'm very sorry).
  15. ... The universe is broken, the world is upside down, my life is a lie, and icthyornis are the best creatures in ARK. That's a really nice axe. Maybe try and get a sword instead though (I'm sure you know this, but...) I'm just trying to imagine the damage a sword would do with that sort of percentage. Also, unrelated but related...I've gotten into ARK mobile recently (don't have time to get on the Xbox), and there are these little mission things. I got an asccendant bow from one of them, and it does 294 dmg (mobile shows damage instead of percent) i calculated the percent, and I think it's something like +434% damage (534% of 55 is 294, but 434% of 55 +55 is how I assume the dmg is calculated) If I had 100 arrows, I could do 29,400 damage. Sort of insane. Also, I'm like, level 18. I already have an ascendant compound bow, a shotgun, and a longneck, also from these little mission things. Very, very weird. Also, have you tried andrewsarchus with Fenrisulfr? Maybe they prevent dismount. Get some mutations, and you have yourself the perfect riding creature for bosses. Anyway, good luck with your bosses, and happy ARKing!
  16. Scusi? What?! Fenrisulfr dismounts? Whoa...that's terrifying...
  17. Alpha dog? You mean Fenrisulfr? People take deinons into the overseer boss fight for a reason. They pack a serious punch, especially when hypermutated (my term for creatures that are mutated to the point of obscenity). But then, to be fair, what wouldn't? Plus pack and mate boost + yuty buff + another bleed...(deinon bleed can stack three times, and then again with a different creature's bleed). That boss will get shredded. Challenge accepted >:)
  18. Cool. To be fair, I don't have Genesis either so :P. Well, I know of no other ways to efficiently level creatures, so good luck! Happy ARKing!
  19. Aha. That explains it. There may be another way, but I'm not actually sure what it is. Well, good hunting then! Maybe do some hunt missions or something? Those have to give lots of xp, right? Alphas too-maybe take him out to Fjordur. Alphas, I'm fairly sure, spawn slightly more often there than on the other maps.
  20. You could use your failure babies for levels. Just don't claim them, and then *nom*. Especially giga babies. Rexes, spinos, any large predator would probably work.
  21. Crop plots, water, jars, etc., eh? Just another day in ARK.
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