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  1. Was wondering since we are doing stuff called pride month will there ever be boosted rates for June 19th I celebrate this day as many other players we would like to be included as well ?????
  2. Was wondering if anyone has been working to fix the in game chat also are eggs allowed on island to hav wyverns because i transfered 2 eggs to island downloaded them and in less than 30 secs they dissapeared?????
  3. My question is to anyone from WILDCARD I understand everything that has went on with the game is it possible that u guys can stop this Pilar stuff these guys pillar up the whole map and there is no were to build there has to be a stop to this somehow this just slows down real players who play from the ones who are being greedy to the ones selling land for cash there has to be a way to stop this can anyone from high up help with this
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