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Everything posted by Compyking

  1. Compy fact: tarbosaurus is one of the most social tyranosaurs discovered living in packs of 3 to 4.
  2. Charconadnthosaurus has a very powerful bite is relatively fast will have a smell ability and excels at harvesting prime meat. What does your raptor do other than be a aberrant raptor that's harder to tame than troodon.
  3. And raptors would be a glorified troodon still I would like to see it in ark 2 though and if they just added carconadonthosaurus to ark 2that would do a lot in my opinion.
  4. Do your research you hekler carconadonthosaurus is the missing link between rex and giga and if they can do boss fights they will be the bane of the dragon.(before you say it boss fights are awesome and in solo play they prove our worthiness to go to other maps. (phlinger) )
  5. THE ALASKAN TROODON WAS A REAL CREATURE DANG IT! and everything Veloceraptor can do deinonychus can do better.
  6. Personally I think that wild card needs to focus on primal survival, and I know someone on pc is going to say you can do it already, but I am a ps4 player and before ark2 comes out, console players need to be able to play as a dino. Especially if there are AI humans you can terrorize and if they move through the stages like players do and don't even get me started on if they can tame you, just imagin if you fought the dragon as a dino.
  7. I don't usually agree with you on well, anything But, WE NEED CARCONADONTHOSAURUS WILDCARD!!!!!!!! Also just think about it monkey and carconadonthosaurus fighting together.
  8. Not to mention I don't think Henery Wu is on the lost island and if so he would make a giga-Wyvern hybrid. (Shudders) The mere thought is horrible. The indom would make lost island impossible.
  9. Compy fact: The tyranosaurus has the strongest bite of any carnivore wit eight tons of bite force.
  10. You obviously have forgotten about the carconadonthosaurus mod which is powerful and easy to put in-game.
  11. I can see where you are coming from, however, I looked it up and the sources differ. One source in 2017 said that troodon was not a species how ever, another source from 2019 said otherwise. Not to mention a series on sling I don't know if it is still there, refers to the troodon or at least the Alaskan Troodon as a real species. I can say I support troodon being a species.
  12. YYYYYYEEEEEEEESSSSSSS! I knew I was not the only one that says lion fish lion, Rockwell, where did you get the name shadowmane? (I know the crew probably named it shadowmane. But when has that stoped Rockwell?)
  13. Compy fact: Spino is the largest land predator taller than seventeen feet at the top of it's sail.
  14. Yeah we pick a fight we are gonna pay and because of that a creature that has been mentioned for years is out voted by a psycho giant mesopithecus that was brought in out of nowhere.
  15. Wildcard would be stupid as all crap if they did not add carconadonthosaurus, the people want it, wildcard could just modify the mod carconadonthosaurus, and if you have watched fat dino's video carconadonthosaurus kicks butt already. #console Carconadonthosaurus.
  16. Don't forget the folowing: a snowy Kong, a green monster spider, however you would explain Rockwell, (almost feel sorry for him cause no one would call him something horrific like bert or jeff.) Rainbow burping whales, penguin wearing funny hats, giant centipeeds that puke a armor destroying acid, giant annoyed flying chickens, and a menace that could have been like ananconda on ark but instead makes you tired in-game and not. I think that's everything, mabey, possibly, I missed something didn't I. But carconadonthosaurus could be really cool.
  17. Congrats up from the depths on the denopithecus. Reaper overload, thank you for giving carconadonthosaurus a chance, your awesome man.
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