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Posts posted by Meth0s

  1. On 8/31/2021 at 5:59 AM, flezy2 said:

    I'm looking for a tribe to play ark with, I mainly want to meet new people with a common interest. I mainly play PvP and have a total of 3.6k hours on ark. I am able to do anything required for the tribe, building, taming, breeding, the normal duties. I can talk via discord and will primarily play in my free time which can range from 7-10 hours atm. I am 30+, have all DLC  discord - MI6#7777


  2. On 8/30/2021 at 2:29 PM, C137Rick said:

    Hi Survivors

    I have over 3.7k hours on this game ( NO LIFE). I have played in alpha tribes on official and mainly do PVP. I am looking for a active tribe, i paly everyday and pref playing with a tribe who uses discord to communicate. Very friendly and Speak English, i am from South Africa so im usually in different time zones to most palyers on EU and NA servers. My Steam Name is C137

    If you are still looking for a tribe let me know psn id  is El_cid0913

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