I think some of you are still overly emotional about the pricing. Remasters arent easy or cheep. Before it would take 80 dollars for just the remaster. (90 withark 2) the only really questionable ask here was asking us to seperately pay for dlc seperately at near full cost. At 60, yes it's a bit pricey, however we are know getting a fully remastered amd revamped game. Yes the server closings are sad. Maybe we could see a solution but they are closing them because its hell keeping them going. They even said that the servers arent a major part of player population. Yeah...im sad to see my hard earned progress destroyed. But ill get to keep the server save which also means i get to FINALLY get the satisfaction of demoing mega tribe bases, and that mean pve players pillars. Honestly the step bacl repackaging the game is better and feels like they are listening. Besides, ark 2 is a new game....the factbthey were willing to give us ark for TEN bucks? Comeon guys... they werent being complete money gremlins. (I am awar of technical issues with some choices...little worried about those nvidia and overwolf descions. Amd crossplay....sounds awesome HOWEVER cheating will be....rough)