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  1. @Jat I have a request..if you see this. Can this event at least be for the entire week? Don't take this the wrong way but this was put out with no warning which gave no prep time especially after what just happened with patch 258.3 - A lot of the damage done by that patch was Giga loss. The amount of friends/people that have lost Giga babies is staggering. Not to mention everything else that was lost. With this current event, it's just enough time to incubate a new Giga egg, get it through baby phase and maybe 5-10% if you can zoom through it without delay. It helps a little bit but especially without warning someone like me doesn't have access to new eggs instantly. I purchased max melee eggs and have to try and find more to panic hatch through this event while I can. If this is to be made to a week long, it at least gives people more breathing room to try and make up for the time lost with the patch accident. I had a ton of friends/acquaintances quit because of what they lost, perhaps this would be a bit of solace to come back and support the game again. If there could also be a bit of clarification on what the CS team is willing to restore from dino death - Are they able to do what they can to restore in the process of raising dinos (gigas especially)? My tribemate and I had 2 Gigas at 80% raise. One at 85% imprint (would have hit 100%) and mine at 75%. I know stuff happens and it wasn't intentional from the devs but a loss like that is very hard to brush off and start over. Lots of waking up in the middle of the night to imprint more or less wasted. Is anything being done about babies that weren't matured? Hope this can be made to be a week long so we can try and recover from losing Gigas (there are tons and tons of people who lost them). While CS restoring dinos/babies may not be a full option for some people, if you were to make the event last the week it would give the players a lot more of an option to personally recover in their own way and get exactly what they want and sort of give them a reset. Regards, Nova.
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