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Early Birds
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  1. Just because you may buy something at a different time, doesn't mean you are getting charged less it's still a price increase no matter what.. The fact you don't see that, actually hurts my brain cause i can't comprehend someone being that stupid. I wouldn't have an issue with you saying you don't see an issue with the deal if you actually acknowledged the fact that overall ur paying more but u are straight just lying saying it's cheaper and people will save money.. Like come on.
  2. You are literally just coming to the conclusion that people will only buy 1 or the other, for literally 90% of people that are going to be buying both it's a straight price increase regardless of how you try and rationalize it. It's even worse for the people who where not going to buy the ASA dlc and just stick with the base ASA cause now they are forced into it no matter what now with the giant middle finger of having to buy ark 2 separate. I knew there was some people with low IQ out there but i really didn't think it was that bad.
  3. Coming from the person who sat and cried about how hes never buying the remaster cause it had ark 2 in it and you wouldn't buy ark 2 unless it's first person... Stand up bud, ur bias is showing.
  4. Wait so instead of getting the upgrade AND ark 2 for $50 we now only get upgraded ark for $60... so they basically just added the dlc price into the UE5 upgrade and told us to screw off and we now we have to buy ark 2 full price on release?? Not only was charging for the dlc scummy in the first place but this is next level of scum. You basically just shat on our cake and told us it's frosting... Remember karma exists and it's going to come back with a vengeance..
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