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Everything posted by invincibleqc

  1. That server is online, but under a new IP: EU-PVE-Official-GenOne649. It also appears to have been rolled back a few days, unfortunately. If you lost progress such as your character, etc. please submit a support ticket to get in-game assistance.
  2. In the event of any official servers being permanently closed, I'm sure they will release their latest saves for anyone to host or resume their adventures locally like they did in the past. As for consoles users, don't quote me on that, but I believe they are being made available through Nitrado's panel. No need to worry about losing your home, dinos, and memories! 🙂
  3. It was moved to: steam://connect/ It's always a good idea to search for your servers by name whenever they are down for a long period of time because they can be moved to new hardware and whatnot from time to time.
  4. This server was recently moved to a new IP and will consequently no longer be listed into your favorites/history tabs. Search for it by name, or use the following link to connect: steam://connect/
  5. When you are being redirected to the home page, have a look at the URL and there should be more information embedded into it:
  6. 2016: 2020: For immersion reasons, you will always gather 1 stone unless the gathering rates are dynamically increased (for example, during Evo Events, etc). This was even confirmed by Dollie (or is that not Dollie? -- I'm not too sure 🤔) on twitter: In conclusion, you are correct when you say; "they are still 1x". However, that "1x" is 4 times what it used to be.
  7. Please refrain from bypassing the "bad words filter". That said, this is not isolated to 434. Other servers hosted on the same machine (e.g. 435) are also down which is usually the result of some hardware failure that requires physical intervention and is not be resolvable remotely. Assuming you submitted an Outage Report, they are aware of the issue and will bring them back up as soon as they can. I understand this can be frustrating, but there is no need to keep posting about it here. Please be patient. Thanks!
  8. Alright guys drop it. If you want to continue your argument about why or why not it should or should not be added then please do so via private messages. Thanks!
  9. From what I know, EGS players don't see Steam users and Steam players don't see EGS ones.
  10. Now you can simply use the take all button () and slot cap yourself instead of having to drop ~300 stacks, have them bounce everywhere losing a few in the process, whip them all, break your whip, etc. Before this update, you would max out at twice your max weight but now you max out at your slot limit so that is a pretty good change overall.
  11. That site is an unofficial third-party tool that uses Steam API to track servers. When a server do not respond to their queries for a set period of time, they label it as dead. Just report the outage using the following form and the server team will look into it and bring it back up whenever they can: http://ark.gg/outage
  12. I believe the problem is that you are using the wrong property. The value of ItemQualityIndex is really just pointing to the associated FPrimalItemQuality inside the global ItemQualityDefinitions array. Assuming mods didn't override the definitions, the index for an Ascendant item would be 5 which evaluates as Mastercraft in your code: else if (itemQual > 4.5 && itemQual <= 7) Here is a simple Python script that emulates what the game internally does to retrieve and assign the quality index of an item: class FPrimalItemQuality: """ struct FPrimalItemQuality { FLinearColor QualityColor; FString QualityName; float QualityRandomMultiplierThreshold; float CraftingXPMultiplier; float RepairingXPMultiplier; float CraftingResourceRequirementsMultiplier; }; """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) """ struct UPrimalGameData { TArray<FPrimalItemQuality, FDefaultAllocator> ItemQualityDefinitions; } """ ItemQualityDefinitions = [ FPrimalItemQuality( QualityColor=(179, 179, 179, 1), QualityName='Primitive', QualityRandomMultiplierThreshold=1.0, CraftingXPMultiplier=1.0, RepairingXPMultiplier=1.0, CraftingResourceRequirementsMultiplier=1.0 ), FPrimalItemQuality( QualityColor=(51, 255, 51, 1), QualityName='Ramshackle', QualityRandomMultiplierThreshold=1.25, CraftingXPMultiplier=2.0, RepairingXPMultiplier=2.0, CraftingResourceRequirementsMultiplier=1.333333 ), FPrimalItemQuality( QualityColor=(51, 76, 255, 1), QualityName='Apprentice', QualityRandomMultiplierThreshold=2.5, CraftingXPMultiplier=3.0, RepairingXPMultiplier=3.0, CraftingResourceRequirementsMultiplier=1.666667 ), FPrimalItemQuality( QualityColor=(127, 51, 255, 1), QualityName='Journeyman', QualityRandomMultiplierThreshold=4.5, CraftingXPMultiplier=4.0, RepairingXPMultiplier=4.0, CraftingResourceRequirementsMultiplier=2.0 ), FPrimalItemQuality( QualityColor=(255, 243, 25, 1), QualityName='Mastercraft', QualityRandomMultiplierThreshold=7, CraftingXPMultiplier=5.0, RepairingXPMultiplier=5.0, CraftingResourceRequirementsMultiplier=2.5 ), FPrimalItemQuality( QualityColor=(0, 255, 255, 1), QualityName='Ascendant', QualityRandomMultiplierThreshold=10, CraftingXPMultiplier=6.0, RepairingXPMultiplier=6.0, CraftingResourceRequirementsMultiplier=3.5 ) ] def GetItemQualityIndex(ItemRating): """ unsigned int UPrimalGameData::GetItemQualityIndex(float ItemRating) { for (i = this->ItemQualityDefinitions.ArrayNum - 1; i > 0; --i) { if (ItemRating > *(float *)&this->ItemQualityDefinitions.AllocatorInstance.Data[sizeof(FPrimalItemQuality) * i + offsetof(FPrimalItemQuality, QualityRandomMultiplierThreshold)]) { return (unsigned int)i; } } return 0; } """ for i, k in enumerate(reversed(ItemQualityDefinitions)): if ItemRating > k.QualityRandomMultiplierThreshold: return len(ItemQualityDefinitions) - i if i else i - 1 return 0 def GetItemQualityName(ItemRating): return ItemQualityDefinitions[GetItemQualityIndex(ItemRating)].QualityName assert GetItemQualityName(0) == 'Primitive' assert GetItemQualityName(1.0) == 'Primitive' assert GetItemQualityName(1.1) == 'Ramshackle' assert GetItemQualityName(1.24) == 'Ramshackle' assert GetItemQualityName(1.26) == 'Apprentice' assert GetItemQualityName(2.5) == 'Apprentice' assert GetItemQualityName(2.6) == 'Journeyman' assert GetItemQualityName(4.5) == 'Journeyman' assert GetItemQualityName(4.6) == 'Mastercraft' assert GetItemQualityName(7.0) == 'Mastercraft' assert GetItemQualityName(7.1) == 'Ascendant' assert GetItemQualityName(100.0) == 'Ascendant' As you can see, it tests the ItemRating against the thresholds; not the ItemQualityIndex.
  13. It's up, but appears to have been moved to a new IP. Search for it by name, or use this direct link to connect: steam://connect/
  14. If you had stopped at 153, it would likely have passed out shortly after. Darts apply instant torpor, as well as over time torpor. See this thread for more details:
  15. They are taking it seriously. If you look at the patch notes, they are actively resolving issues. The thing is that it takes time to track issues, solve them, fix them, test them, deploy them, etc. There is no magic button they can push, so we all must be patient!
  16. Beehives were added in a recent patch. As for fertilizer, there are many alternatives. First, yes, it is available in drops. Usually in batch of ~50 fertilizer or so. You can also use a Toilet like a civilized person or even produce it into a compost bin.
  17. I believe it can be anything between 50000 and 2147483647. There is no guarantee for them to be set. For example, one could use spawnexactdino and omit them, etc.
  18. Its model is shipped with the game since v327.10 (used by the Chibi, etc.).
  19. >>> admincheat getallstate Ragnarok_Wyvern_Override_Ice_C [2021.05.17-00.28.01:772][811]0) Ragnarok_Wyvern_Override_Ice_C /Game/Mods/Ragnarok/Ragnarok.Ragnarok:PersistentLevel.Ragnarok_Wyvern_Override_Ice_C_2
  20. Upload your screenshots on thirdparty image hosting service such as https://imgur.com and paste the links in your post.
  21. When a server is down, everything is paused because nothing is ticking.
  22. As previously mentioned, server reports are all merged here to prevent spamming: And as also mentioned, the forums is not the proper channel for such issues anyway. You can find the official form for you to fill at the top of this thread. 👆
  23. I'm not sure if an update was just pushed to your platform or not, but if that is the case, please give it time to deploy. If your server isn't back up after the usual update time (normally between 15-30 minutes I believe) then report the outage using the following form: http://ark.gg/outage And the server team will look into it. In all cases, the CC is not the place to report nor discuss official servers issues. Thanks!
  24. Seems like you guys will be getting an event after all! → http://arkdedicated.com/dynamicconfig.ini
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