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About Kaoslion

  • Birthday 07/07/1979

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  1. Hey man. Thought this would be easier than trying to get my quote's working on my thread again. My tribe has 7 members now (We recruited 2 people the day before the patch) There are 4 of us actively gathering milk, though everyone has the DLC and can if the regular's are not able to get on for whatever reason. We do not make money off this game, nor do we even make much off the game in game. Like if we sell a wyvern, we normally trade it straight across for something we want, or we'll sell it for ingots (And only 10-15k) The 10k one we sold was a 135 fire, the 16k was a 160 lightning (Egg levels) The biggest thing about the wyverns, was they were semi speedy (We pumped hp and melee), tanky for their size, and they were able to fly and farm meat. I do agree they needed some type of nerf, but this is far too much. I am honestly hoping for a roll back. 

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