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Everything posted by DodoKing1

  1. I would love to see any one of the creatures from the ark additions mod. I’ve been using the mod and love it and I know I would also want the creatures on console to play with
  2. I appreciate all that wildcard fixes but there are so many things that need to be fixed on console splitscreen still. The tether has been on split screen and non-ded for so long on console even though it was removed on pc. I don’t understand why they would change that on pc and leave the consoles with it. Me and my friends gave up playing because we couldn’t play without being crowded together. I would love if they would change this.
  3. I appreciate that wildcard is Making a new map and ark 2 but there are so many things that need to be fixed in ark one still. The tether has been on split screen and non-ded for so long on console even though it was removed on pc. I don’t understand why they would change that on pc and leave the consoles with it. Me and my friends gave up playing because we couldn’t play without being crowded together. I would love if they would change this.
  4. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!! I really want this!!
  5. Please please please!!!!! I really want this wildcard!! I’ve been asking for this for so long please!!!
  6. Can we get the tether removed on console. I play non ded with 3 and there and it’s hard to play being confined to such a small area and not being able to do our own thing. Would love if you could fix this Thx. Sincerely IHASBRAINS
  7. I would have loved this at the time and was super disappointed to find out it was not going to happen
  8. Hey wildcard I would love for you to make the ark additions mod all part of ark and have all of the creatures in for normal ark
  9. Wildcard can you remove the tether on PS4 and fix the deinonychus for the host of no dedicated servers. Quote this if you agree
  10. Fair point. I’m not one of those people that do boss fights so that will be enjoyable
  11. I agree! It’ll be really weird to see everybody starting out with the strongest clothing in the game! Like come on you can’t tell me that doesn’t sound overpowered
  12. Still waiting for wildcard to add the teather Options on console so you can make the teather longer😡
  13. Yeah when will we be able to transfer them I have an epic one on genesis and would love to use it one other maps but I can’t
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