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  1. Nevermind I figured it out. I had a derp moment 😆
  2. They are tamed and mine. I’m playing solo by the way
  3. Is it my imagination or did I used to be able to carry Ankys and Doeds with an Argy? Is that not the case here, or am I doing something wrong? I do have flier carry enabled. I hope they didn’t change this 😀
  4. The day after ASA released, I set up a base on herbivore island. All expected dinos were there, but all the Ankys were low level. I killed them all and waited, but they never respawned. So I did a dino wipe. About an hour or so later, everything respawned....EXCEPT the Ankys. So strange. I started my game over thinking it was my save that was corrupt. I havent tried a dino wipe this time, luckily I found a level 95 Anky there this time.
  5. I've been noticing the same thing on Herbivore Island. I also pumped fortitude and it doesn't seem to help. Its strange though, because I will get the ice cube during the late afternoon/dusk, but then it goes away at night. I also get the full flame at random times and have to stand in the water until it passes
  6. My first base in ASA is on herbivore island. Ive killed off most Ankys there to try and get higher level ones to spawn. Ive been playing 2 full real time days (not 48 hours in game, but I started 2 days ago) now and havent gotten any Ankys to respawn yet. Something is deifinitely screwed up
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