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Early Birds
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Everything posted by Valthaur

  1. Hello wildcard? Server Ragnarok 397 down for 50 HOURS! Care to f*cking explain what’s going on?
  2. Ragnarok 397 server dead? Hello everyone, this server has been unstabe since the beggining of the month but this is just stupid, my main base is there, so all my stuff is on that server, it was crashing constantly EVERY HOUR until I could leave the server, I decided to come back since when the weekend started it got better but yesterday I went down and its been a 12 freaking hour down and NO ANSWER, please can it be looked? We already lost a lot of the event because of this issue I'm really tired of this, the constant rollbacks and crashes ruined the imprint of 3 gigas and 1 yuty (dinos that I was raising over 2 weeks) and now I was raising 3 more gigas to at least have some fully printed gigas and the server strikes again, seriously guys...
  3. Ragnarok 397 is permacrashed, just constant rollbacks and crashes, my tames are ruined so I pretty much lost a 2 weeks effort for this, the LEAST I expect is that the server is online for the time I need to get out of it with my stuff before the event ends
  4. Well, thanks to this thing I lost the full imprint of 3 gigas that I've been raising over the past 2 WEEKS, this is a nightmare, I'm really upset about this, there is no excuse, at least put the server online long enogh so I can move, last time I counted it was 26 crashes in the last 48 hours
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