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Early Birds
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Everything posted by TheSkateGuard

  1. Hey you guys remember before the flyer nerf when you could level up speed on a tappy and have someone shoot from the back whilst you guys flew at super sonic speeds dogfighting. Ya know back when you didn't need to strap a jet engine to a flyer to get it moving at a decent speed..... good times...
  2. For some people ark is an escape. It helps them get away from all of the negativity in the world around them. I know in my case I've turned to it a handful of times when i was not in the best way. There's alot of negativity out there right now. That's why alot of people are up in arms, they want their escape. Everyone is talking about the violence and racism and how appalling it is like this is some new thing. I've seen a handful of comments talking about "a hundred years of racism". Bucko slavery was around HUNDREDS of years before the US was a thing. I mean the pyramids weren't built by a union. If WC wants their reason for this delay to be some show of support for the Black Lives Matter movement, so be it. We've all got the choice to stay and play or leave. Following some of the team on Twitter i know they were hit hard by C19 too. We gotta stand together as a community support each other. Its not a BLM or ALM thing its a take care of your fellow man. Love each other. If you see someone hurting pick them up. We are all truly insignificant in the big picture. If we destroyed earth the universe would forget we were ever here. But in our everyday life on this insignificant little Rock our goal shouldn't be a game but to brighten the day of the insignificant souls we meet.
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