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  1. Love the bat! And cannot wait for charcharo! Lost island creatures were such a disappointment I forgot about ARK for more than 2 months. But these new upcoming creatures are amazing!
  2. This thing looks like a crossbreed between human infant and a dinosaur. No thx.
  3. We are currently working on some additional QOL changes, which will enable players to pull out 1,5, or 10 items at a time if an entire stack isn't needed (You can press/click these buttons multiple times to get your desired quantity). Switch Items to stacks and this disaster of a change will be somewhat bareable. Better idea - roll back this bullpoop. Noone asked fot this anyway.
  4. I am afraid to think what was going on inside heads of people who voted for stupid monkey. Go and google baoons and take look at their ass pictures. This is exactly what are you going to see during 3rd person riding. Enjoy!
  5. #NoMonkeyPlz I will be super disappointed If Tamriel map will end up with ugly baboon instead of actual dinosaur. Also I don't see an option to vote anymore.
  6. It's funny how author put a volcano on the actual volcanic island on the Tamriel map, and show biome located where Skyrim is. How original! Lol. Scrap this map untill It's too late! We don't want Wildcard to be squished by lawsuits.
  7. As TES series fan I can confirm the map is stolen from Elder Scrolls universe.
  8. To be honest lack of Genesis 2 spoilers/teasers doesn't feel bad. I dislike spoilers. And perhaps It means that devs are really busy with Genesis 2. No time to entertain the crowd with silly stuff.😁
  9. Amazing! 2 useless creatures get TLC while quetzal, bronto and a shark cry in the corner together. Can't wait!
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