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Early Birds
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  1. So... The Genesis update has made the game almost unplayable for splitscreen player. My fiancé and I have been gaming separately for years. Then we found Ark a game that suits us both finally. Then, the new update gaves us game breaking bugs, including but not limited to... -Shadow image of player 2 screen on player 1 screen makes game unplayable at night. -Player 2 can't light fires while in the inventory screen. -Extreme lag while either player is using any inventory screen. -Ground coverage (I.E. plants, grasses etc) disappear while playing splitscreen. -Game cradhes for no apparent reason, (one example is i had just filled my canteen and started running when my fiancé open her inventory the game froze and crashed out) Now i understand that the game is buggy to begin with but it was managable. Now its pretty much only playable in single player and that just won't do. 30 USD plus dlc fees seems an awfully high price to pay for a game that is now broken for splitscreen players PS... We didn't have these problems before the new update
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